Home » Orban said in Brussels that there is “no reason to negotiate” on Ukraine’s membership in the EU

Orban said in Brussels that there is “no reason to negotiate” on Ukraine’s membership in the EU

by alex

Orban opposed the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU/Collage 24 Channel

Before the start of the first day of the summit of European Union leaders, Prime Minister Hungary spoke out against the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union. However, he put forward certain conditions and commented on financial assistance for our state.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban insists on compliance with seven recommendations. At the same time, he is not against the allocation of 50 billion euros. The Hungarian leader announced this upon arrival at the EU summit, reports the correspondent 24 Channel in Brussels.

Ukraine's EU membership

According to Orbán, the enlargement process is “merit-based”, so seven recommendations were set for Ukraine, which it does not completed.

We have established seven prerequisites, and even according to the Commission's assessment, three of them have not been met. Therefore, there is no basis for negotiations on Ukraine's membership now. The prerequisites were not established by Hungary, the prerequisites were established by the Commission. Seven points, public, are not subject to discussion, said the Hungarian Prime Minister.

He also emphasized that the premise is a premise.

Providing financial support to Ukraine

When asked whether Orban would agree to allocate 50 billion euros for Ukraine, after how the European Commission unfrozen 10 billion for him, he said no. The Hungarian Prime Minister noted that the meeting is not being held to supposedly bargain. According to him, it talks about approaches and principles.

Orban is not against allocating money to Kyiv, but outside the long-term EU budget. He says that member states should receive these funds from the countries' national budgets.

In the short term, money for Ukraine is already in the budget, so there is no need to make any additional decisions to give them in the short term. In the longer term, when it comes to a larger amount of money, my position is that we should give it from the outside,” the Prime Minister emphasized.

At the same time, When asked about granting candidate status to Georgia, Orban said that “everyone loves her.”

Orban’s position on Ukraine’s accession in the EU: latest news

  • December 7, Emmanuel Macron met with Viktor Orban to discuss the EU summit agenda. The French President hoped that he could reach a compromise with the head of the Hungarian government. However, nothing worked. As the media reported, as a result of the meeting, each of the politicians remained unconvinced.
  • On December 12, Orban once again made it known that Hungary is opposed to Ukraine’s membership. According to him, the European Commission was unable to properly prepare the issue of Ukraine’s accession – which is why negotiations with it supposedly should not begin yet.
  • The day before the decisive summit of European leaders in In Brussels, the Prime Minister of Hungary spoke about our state’s membership in the European Union. Viktor Orban opposed the start of negotiations with Ukraine on joining the European Union. The Hungarian head of government cynically offered to provide everything except membership.

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