Home » Orban decided to win money from the EU at the expense of Ukraine

Orban decided to win money from the EU at the expense of Ukraine

by alex

Negotiators always have a simple and banal trick in their arsenal, which, despite its primitiveness, almost certainly works.

A game of attrition

This technique consists in creating a large number of problematic questions or even nonsense for bargaining and constant trolling, aimed at achieving the desired result in solving an issue that is really important to you.

If this issue is not resolved or the proposed solutions do not work for you satisfied, you just have to continue to increase the degree and create additional stress vectors. A normal raising game in which it is important not to bluff and manipulate.

A striking example is the tactics of the official Budapest in the confrontation with Brussels. Unfortunately, in this battle, we are among the tools that Orban uses in his game against European institutions for tens of billions of euros in revenues that remain frozen, taking into account both violations of the rule of law and suspicions of corruption.

In addition to the traditional problems with the imposition of sanctions against the Kremlin, Hungary creates additional de facto problems for us and the EU, hindering the expansion of Ukrainian electricity exports to Europe. This is a problem both for Ukraine and for its neighbors who are counting on support – it was not for nothing that Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki came to Kyiv for it, and Ursula von der Leyen spoke about the importance of exports in her message.

This event can in a sense, congratulate all of us – we have not yet become members of the EU, but have already got into tough political disputes within the bloc.

The Kremlin's bait for Orban worked

Don't let them scare you loud statements by the Kremlin's mouthpiece approving Hungary's “sovereign position” on many issues in the EU.

It's all about European funds, which Brussels decided to freeze in order to bring Orban to consciousness. And he fights for them with proletarian dignity and without regard to reputation – indulging Putin and demonstrating that he is not interested in European “unity” – he is only interested in money. And it doesn't matter whose they will be – Moscow on cheap gas or Brussels.

That is why Orban blocked the EU proposal to create a UN special representative for human rights, who should monitor the actions of the Russians. And that is why the Hungarian power grid operator suddenly decided that they should carefully study the impact of expanding electricity exports from Ukraine on their market, and for this they need several months. They do not buy electricity in Ukraine for political reasons, despite historical commercial relations in this area, but a representative of their operator leads a working group on market issues and reports on the impact of increased Ukrainian exports on the market in continental Europe.

Win diplomatic savvy

Once we have synchronized with the EU, each additional megawatt is only open to us based on positive reports from the two working groups. Recently, it was just the day of reviewing reports and making another decision to increase the volume of Ukrainian exports, but, despite the urgent shortage in the European market, the Hungarians, under a far-fetched pretext, reduced it to a minimum and hung further expansion in the air.

They are well aware that they create problems for Kyiv, Warsaw and Brussels. Kyiv needs money – honestly earned. Warsaw desperately needs help with exports, and President Zelensky has promised it. Brussels needs both, because it is evidence of the unity of Europe and another step to strengthen the energy system.

And Orban needs money and a victory in blackmailing the EU. Yes, we are also in this game, and we need to get used to fighting for our interests here, creating alliances and exposing the brutality of motives and the essence of problems.

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