Home » Only Shoigu was replaced: what are the positives and negatives from the reshuffles in the enemy Ministry of Defense

Only Shoigu was replaced: what are the positives and negatives from the reshuffles in the enemy Ministry of Defense

by alex

Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin appointed economist Andrei Belousov as defense minister and Sergei Shoigu as secretary of the Security Council. However, corruption in Russia will still continue to flourish.

There are positive and negative aspects for Ukraine from personnel changes in Russia. This 24 Channel was noted by political strategist Boris Tizengauzen.

Corruption in Russia will continue

Boris Tizengauzen noted that Belousov is a professional economist, the author of a technology that has become a key factor in the growth of the Russian economy. However, there are no uncorrupt officials in Russia. In addition, the same colonels, generals and others who have been stealing money for years and decades remain in the Ministry of Defense. This is a huge plus for Ukraine.

Although smart people at a key ministry in Russia are not very good. But if they changed the entire system, it would be a problem. A few good managers will not change this system. Perhaps they will steal a little less, but for the most part they will continue. Therefore, corruption is our great ally,” he emphasized.

Former Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, who will be transferred to another position, also lost his position. The political strategist suggested that he resigned from his position due to health problems. Perhaps he will be appointed as Putin's adviser. But they won’t let Patrushev go far, because he is the bearer of the bloodiest and darkest secrets of the Russian dictator.

Personnel changes in Russia : main thing

  • On May 12, personnel changes took place in the Kremlin. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin decided to replace Sergei Shoigu and appointed Andrei Belousov to the post of Defense Minister, who previously served as the first deputy chairman of the Russian government.
  • And Putin appointed Sergei Shoigu to the new job title. He will be Secretary of the Security Council instead of Nikolai Patrushev. The Kremlin website wrote that Vladimir Putin signed orders for the dismissal of Nikolai Patrushev from the post of Secretary of the Russian Security Council “in connection with a transfer to another job” and the appointment of Sergei Shoigu as Secretary of the Russian Security Council.
  • On the same day, the Kremlin dictator proposed candidates for most positions in the Russian government. According to Russian propagandists, Russian senators will hold consultations on the candidates proposed by Putin at committee meetings on May 13 and at a meeting of the Federation Council on May 14.

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