Home » Only 3 questions out of 42 concern Ukraine, – Sheitelman told how the meeting of the Security Council of Russia will be

Only 3 questions out of 42 concern Ukraine, – Sheitelman told how the meeting of the Security Council of Russia will be

by alex

Today, August 25, an extraordinary meeting of the State Duma Council on the situation at the Zaporozhye NPP is to be held in Russia. However, you shouldn't worry about its results.

This opinion Channel 24 was expressed by political strategist Mikhail Sheitelman. According to him, this is only a meeting of the heads of factions that do not have the authority to pass laws.

What issues concern Ukraine

Sheitelman said that in There are 42 issues on the agenda of the meeting of the Security Council of Russia.

As for Ukraine, there are 3 issues, the political strategist noted.

According to him, questions 41 and 42 concern compensations to deputies of the State Duma of Russia. Thus, Russian officials living in the Crimea or the Rostov region will receive compensation from the state for getting to the nearest airport by their own car.

fly. The fact that the Russians are going to pass a law on compensation indicates that they are not planning to fly anytime soon.

A number 1 on the list is statement on the situation at the Zaporozhye NPP . “That is, they plan to make a statement, rather than adopt a law or take any measures,” Sheitelman explained.

What Russia is trying to achieve

According to the political strategist, the Russians are planning to make a statement to international organizations, in which Ukraine will be blamed, allegedly we “shoot, destroy”, etc. The maximum that the occupiers are capable of is to introduce some kind of threatening clause.

On the whole, the Russians need to international organizations forced Ukraine to introduce a security zone around the ZNPP . That is, for Russian troops to remain there, and our defenders not to have the right to conduct any military operations there.

This is what Russia is seeking and what we we have no right to agree,” Sheitelman noted.

Sheitelman told what the Russian Security Council meeting will be like: watch the video

Russians convene a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation at the ZNPP

  • On August 23, a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation at the Zaporozhye NPP was held, which was convened by Russia. occupiers always do this when they want to hide their own crimes or divert attention. The main task of Russia is to retain the Zaporozhye NPP and gradually connect it to the Russian energy systems. This opinion was expressed by Ukrainian political scientist Taras Semenyuk.
  • Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN Serhiy Kislitsa stressed that Russia is turning nuclear security issues into a circus against the backdrop of provocations at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The diplomat stressed that only the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of the ZNPP and its return under the control of our state will eliminate the existing threat.
  • According to the Russian opposition politician Gennady Gudkov, the convocation of the Security Council by Russia after the warnings from the West says that the infidels did not abandon the idea of ​​a provocation with an explosion at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and continue to prepare it.

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