Home » On the first day of elections: leaflets with the inscription “Putin will soon end” appeared in the Moscow region

On the first day of elections: leaflets with the inscription “Putin will soon end” appeared in the Moscow region

by alex

In Russia, on the first day of elections, leaflets against Putin appeared on the first day of elections/Collage 24 Channels

The fifth “election” of Vladimir Putin has already started in Russia. On the first day of the so-called “expression of will,” leaflets against the Russian president appeared in the Moscow region of Russia.

They were posted by activists of the Atesh partisan movement, which was created by Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in the temporarily occupied territories and in Russia. The so-called elections in Russia started today, March 15, and will last until March 17.

Atesh recalled that ” Putin is finished”

Partisans in Krasnogorodsk, Moscow region, posted anti-Putin leaflets with the inscriptions:

  • “ignore the elections”;
  • “joined Atesh. The end of shit is coming soon”;
  • “Rosguard, we are watching you.”

Partisans called on Russians not to support Vladimir Putin’s next pseudo-election.

Real elections under Putin’s regime – impossible. You must understand that the authorities have already made the choice for you! The results have long been known. Only you can fix this! – the partisans addressed the residents of Russia.

They called on the Russians:

  • not to come for the elections;
  • do not help propagandists create a picture for TV, because the future of Russia is in the hands of its inhabitants.

“We already know the names and residential addresses of everyone involved in organizing the sham elections. Soon they will all be held accountable for their actions,” the partisans explained.

In addition, in in their leaflets they announced that “Putin will soon end.”

Partisans addressed Russians on election day in Russia

Putin's elections have begun in Russia

  • In Russia 15 – On March 17, the next elections for Vladimir Putin began. By the way, the Kremlin organized them not only in Russia, but also in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
  • The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for ignoring the so-called “elections” in the temporarily occupied territories. After all, the occupying country violates the norms and principles of international law.
  • In addition, the so-called “elections” in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine are illegal and have no legal consequences.

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