Home » On the eve of winter, the Russian Federation could accumulate 900 long-range precision missiles – Ignat

On the eve of winter, the Russian Federation could accumulate 900 long-range precision missiles – Ignat

by alex

On the eve of winter, the Russian Federation could have accumulated up to 900 long-range precision missiles , which it could use to attack Ukraine.

Speaker of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat announced this on the air of the United News telethon.

– So, for several months there have been no such shellings as there were in the summer. If you ultimately calculate, then more than 100 rockets were used approximately every summer month. Already in the autumn months that have passed, there are no such intense rocket attacks. We see more X-59, X-31. But there is also Iskander-M, Iskander-K,” he says.

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Ignat noted that, according to information from the General Staff and the Air Force, in the fall the aggressor country uses several dozen missiles per month to attack the territory of our state.

— The power of Russia was announced by the power steering. They can produce 100 missiles per month. Therefore, we can make a certain mathematical conclusion that there are 870 or maybe even 900 (missiles – Ed. ). This is exactly the number of high-precision long-range missiles, in addition to aircraft missiles (Kh-59, Kh-31, Kh-35), as well as Onyx, S-300 missiles. We are only talking about long-range missiles,” Ignat explained.

Regarding the statement by the press secretary of the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine Natalya Gumenyuk about Russia’s accumulation of up to 800 missiles in Crimea, he said that we were talking about the entire stockpile on the territory of the Russian Federation and in the occupied territories. In particular, he does not rule out that a certain number of missiles may be located on the peninsula.

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