Home » Odessa blogger fined for not using Ukrainian: she called the country “Nazi”

Odessa blogger fined for not using Ukrainian: she called the country “Nazi”

by alex

Odessa blogger and makeup artist fined for not providing services in Ukrainian. She was indignant and announced the “harassment of Russian-speaking” people in Ukraine.

It should be noted that Ruslana Bronnikova maintains a blog on Instagram, where she advertises her services. She also has a website. However, after the start of a full-scale invasion, she left for Russia. 24 Channel .

What is known about the incident with the blogger

Ruslana Bronnikova is an individual entrepreneur in Ukraine. Therefore, according to our laws, it must provide services in Ukrainian, but the girl writes and communicates in Russian. Therefore, she was fined 5 thousand hryvnia.

I am from Odessa, speaking Russian. We have always had Russian-speaking cities in the south. And they just make invertebrate fools out of us,” the girl wrote.

The blogger was outraged by the fine and wrote that she allegedly “lives in Nazi Ukraine.”

Screenshots of the blogger's statements, where she is outraged because of the fine

Ruslana Bronnikova also set out stories in which she wrote about her views. In particular, that allegedly:

  • “Zelensky took everything from us. Even the language. He arranged an intercultural difference and a war”;
  • “Ukrainian-speaking patriots normally repost, inform and infect with their” Nazi “narratives – filtering, leaving citizenship, and so on”;
  • “Add the hashtag to the store” stop Russophobia in Ukraine.

That is, a citizen of Ukraine, probably, quite deliberately spreads Russian narratives about supposedly “Nazis” in Ukraine, about the “harassment” of Russian speakers. These are precisely those false theses voiced by Putin and his apostates.

Odessa woman was indignant because of the fine: watch the video

In addition, she congratulated on March 8, in addition to Ukrainian women, also Russian and Belarusian women.

“I wish every Ukrainian, every Belarusian and every Russian woman, and in general everyone, that you are surrounded by people who love you, protect you and do not let you worry about language issues,” Ruslana Bronnikova said.

Probably, someone informed the language ombudsman Taras Kremen about the girl. She called this subscriber “a rat who wrote a denunciation.”

Note! Ukraine has a language law. It provides that all enterprises that provide services to Ukrainian consumers on the Internet are required to post information about goods and services in the state language on the relevant Internet resources from January 16, 2021. There are penalties for breaking the law. Read more here.

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