Home » Odarchenko case: VAKS decides to arrest MP in absentia

Odarchenko case: VAKS decides to arrest MP in absentia

by alex

Today, September 23, the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine made a decision to collect UAH 15 million in bail paid by MP Andriy Odarchenko and change his preventive measure to detention.

This became known during the broadcast from the court session, which was made public by the High Anti-Corruption Court.

Odarchenko case: HACC arrests MP in absentia

Prosecutor Elena Drobotova asked the judges to change the measure of restraint for MP Odarchenko to detention. She also asked the court to make a decision to confiscate the bail in the amount of 15 million UAH, paid for Odarchenko Andriy, to the state.

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According to the prosecutor, Andriy Odarchenko illegally crossed the border of Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region outside the checkpoints with Romania. Subsequently, according to her, MP Odarchenko applied to the state bodies of Romania with an application for asylum.

In addition, Drobotova noted that Odarchenko Andriy Nikolaevich was not provided with a diplomatic passport, he was not sent on a business trip by the Verkhovna Rada. At the same time, according to the available information, the MP is not in healthcare institutions.

That is why, according to the prosecutor, one can conclude that MP Odarchenko is not coming to court precisely for the purpose of evading criminal liability.

In turn, MP Odarchenko's lawyer continued to claim that he does not know where the MP is now. He also denied the prosecutor's motion.

Thus, the HACC supported the position of the SAP prosecutor and chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for the people's deputy of Ukraine of the 9th convocation Andriy Odarchenko, who is accused of providing an illegal benefit to the chairman of the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

The court also granted the prosecutor's motion to recover UAH 15 million in bail for the benefit of the state.

Recall that on September 19, 2024, the HACC announced a state and international search for people's deputy Andriy Odarchenko.

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