Home » Occupiers kidnapped 11 mayors and 8 other officials during war – Klitschko

Occupiers kidnapped 11 mayors and 8 other officials during war – Klitschko

by alex

Russian invaders/Illustrative photos/metropoles.com

Vitali Klitschko on his telegram page said that the Russian invaders are again kidnapping the leaders of Ukrainian communities.

According to the information, the head of Berislav has now been kidnapped Oleksandr Shapovalov and the head of Hola Pristan Oleksandr Babich.

Vitali Klitschko noted that during the war, since February 24 (as of March 29 – channel 24), the occupiers abducted 11 mayors and 8 other officials of municipalities .

“I emphasize that the abduction of rural, settlement and city heads, especially in wartime, endangers all residents of the community. After all, everything is critical management, life support, making important decisions on which the fate of the inhabitants of the community depends, rests on her head,” Klitschko added.

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