Home » Occupiers hold Ukrainian prisoners of war in torture chambers under the supervision of FSB officers

Occupiers hold Ukrainian prisoners of war in torture chambers under the supervision of FSB officers

by alex

Infidels are holding Ukrainian POWs in dungeons under the supervision of FSB officers/RosSMI

Ukraine received information from partner human rights organizations about the locations of Ukrainian soldiers who were captured by the Russians.

The Russian authorities are resettling Ukrainian prisoners in the colony. Some of them even equip separate dungeons.

What is known about the places where Russia keeps Ukrainian defenders

Occupiers vacated the detention center at the correctional colonies in the Tula region (Komsomolsky village) for 100 Ukrainian prisoners of war. The FSB gave the administration a detailed briefing. In addition, the employees of the structure were also accommodated in the facility for “work” with prisoners.

Also, prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are kept in the colonies of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Rostov region. For these purposes, two penitentiary institutions were settled at once in southern Russia – now they are actually concentration camps for prisoners of war, filled with Ukrainian soldiers captured on the battlefield.

Prisoners of war are controlled by employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Security Service, the Russian Guard and secret agents from among the convicted activists, many of whom were transferred from the dungeons of other penitentiary institutions. There was no official conversion of prisons into POW camps, as required by international humanitarian law, Denisova said. in the Smolensk region. It is equipped for torture and obtaining information from prisoners of war. Ukrainians will also be kept in the Small Psychiatric Hospital at the SIZO, a dungeon known outside of Russia for the “disobedient”.

Also, human rights activists report the placement of Ukrainians in SIZO-2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Bryansk region (Novozybkov), SIZO-2 of Taganrog and the pre-trial detention center of Moscow.

This is another violation of the Geneva Convention

Venediktova stressed that the placement of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Russia grossly contradicts Articles 22, 97 of the 1949 Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

I appeal to the UN Commission to investigate human rights violations during Russia's military invasion of Ukraine to take into account these facts of Russia's violations of the rights of citizens of Ukraine,” the Ombudswoman said.

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