Home » Occupiers hit Bashtanka with rockets: boiler house destroyed, there is a victim

Occupiers hit Bashtanka with rockets: boiler house destroyed, there is a victim

by alex

The enemy hit Bashtanka with a missile/Channel 24 Collage

Russians do not stop shelling Ukrainian cities. Their goal is the terror of the civilian population and the destruction of infrastructure.

Our heroic defenders and defenders are doing everything possible to liberate our southern regions from the Russian occupiers. The enemy is trying to hold its positions and continues to terrorize the civilian population with its shelling.

Rocket shelling of the Tower

According to the operational command “South”, the Russian the occupiers launched a missile attack on Bashtanka, Mykolaiv region. With their attack, the Russians destroyed the boiler house, there was a gas leak.

Unfortunately, it is already known that one person died. The scale of destruction and the number of victims are being specified.

The threat of shelling from the Black Sea

The enemy has increased its forces in the Black Sea. Now there are 5 missile ships and a submarine, the total salvo of which is 44 Caliber cruise missiles.

It is also known about 3 landing ships of Russian infidels.

Russia's war from Ukraine: latest news

  • Russians massively refuse to go to war. Due to insane losses, the infidels have new problems with the replenishment of their personnel.
  • Due to problems with “cannon fodder”, the Russians began to throw into battle everyone they could find. It became known that they even mobilized the homeless in the Donbass.

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