Home » Occupiers are not welcome everywhere: Estonia can completely close the border with Russia

Occupiers are not welcome everywhere: Estonia can completely close the border with Russia

by alex

Estonia may close its borders with Russia / Collage 24 Channel

Estonia may make a new decision regarding Russians seeking to enter the country. Yes, the Estonian authorities are ready to close border crossings for citizens of the aggressor country.

The impetus for such possible solutions was the actions of Finland, which also closed crossings for Russians. In particular, the Estonian government was aware of such intentions of the Finns.

Estonia may close its border with Russia

The head of the Estonian border service, Veiko Kommusaar, said that Tallinn knew about Helsinki’s decision to close four border crossing points with Russia.

“This could, of course, mean that people who have until now gathered at these borders will end up at Estonian border crossings,” he said.

Kommussaar stressed that Estonian border guards are closely monitoring the situation at the border. Moreover, if necessary, they are ready to prevent any illegal migration from the aggressor country.

Depending on the situation at the border, this may mean partial or complete closure of checkpoints, the head of the border service emphasized.

In the end, he said that entry into the European Union through Estonia is possible only for those Russian citizens who have all the legal grounds to do so.

Finland also wants to close its borders with Russia

  • Prime Minister of Finland Petteri Orpo said that the country plans to close 4 of 8 border crossings for Russian people. This is due to the large number of refugees trying to cross the Russian-Finnish border.
  • We are talking about border crossings in Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala. They are located on the eastern border of Finland and Russia.
  • At the same time, the Finnish Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasized that the acceptance of asylum applications will be concentrated at the Salla and Vartius border checkpoints. In others, such a procedure for asylum seekers in Finland to submit this type of application will not be possible.
  • It should be noted that the presidents of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Finland Sauli Niiniste argued that Russia is purposefully using migrants to destabilize the situation in their countries.

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