Home » Occupants demand businessmen to publicly support them in Crimea – Chubarov

Occupants demand businessmen to publicly support them in Crimea – Chubarov

by alex

Refat Chubarov spoke about the situation in Crimea/Collage of Channel 24

The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people said that on the territory of Crimea, enemies demand that businessmen publicly support them. Also advocate for a war, which they do not call a war.

Refat Chubarov told the relevant information during the United News telethon. It happened on June 16, on the 113th day of the war that Russia started against Ukraine.

Chubarov spoke about the position of people in Crimea

Refat Chubarov said that there are people on the territory of Crimea who:

  • defend their position;
  • as well as simply silent people are afraid of the occupiers, but they are pro-Ukrainian and dream of return of Ukrainian power to Crimea.

The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people explained that Russia is exerting insane pressure on people, in particular information and psychological. After all, there are local pro-Russian channels and Russian propaganda channels that impose hatred on Ukraine.

Occupiers use persecution and repression against businessmen

Russian infidels in Crimea use repression and persecution against entrepreneurs. According to Chubarov, it was a month and a half.

Young people went to various enterprises, businessmen, private organizations and demanded from their leaders public support for the Russian leadership and that they called a special operation,” said Chubarov.

He also explained that infidels are always trying to oppress people living in Crimea. Refat Chubarov also remembered that infidels “judge” Nariman Dzhelal and the Akhtemov brothers. They are accused of preparing sabotage and face up to 20 years in prison.

The latest news on Crimea: the main

  • Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that Ukraine will return Crimea and Donbass with the help of weapons provided by the West. In particular, we are talking about weapons from NATO, in particular from the United States.
  • On June 16, the media reported that France wants Ukraine to return all the occupied territories, including Crimea. In particular, the representative of Emmanuel Macron explained that they are in favor of a holistic victory with the restoration of territorial integrity in all territories conquered by the Russians, including Crimea.
  • It is worth remembering that in the Kherson region, our military is launching a counteroffensive and territory. That is why the Russian infidels transferred units from the Crimea there.

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