Home » Nuclear coercion: Russia is blackmailing the world to gain time and annex what it seizes

Nuclear coercion: Russia is blackmailing the world to gain time and annex what it seizes

by alex

Russian invaders are trying to force a truce in Ukraine by proxy/”Censor.NET”

Putin's criminals really want to freeze the war in Ukraine at least for a while. After all, the Russians can no longer successfully conduct military operations simultaneously in several operational areas.


According to sources of Channel 24 in intelligence, the Russian invaders have been trying for months to force Ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table and agree to a hybrid truce. the occupiers want an analogue of the Minsk agreements in order to create the illusion of referendums and announce the transfer of the territories they seized under the jurisdiction of Russia.

However, Putin could not achieve a truce in the usual way for Russia. Official Kyiv does not agree to Moscow's terms, and the West is not making every effort to force Ukraine to a ceasefire. That is why Putin is trying to carry out the world's largest nuclear attack.

The Kremlin is successfully exploiting the impotence of the world

For a long time, the use of the tactics of gradually crossing red lines led to the fact that Russia generally crossed all borders, realizing that the world would not act with the utmost determination. Putin and his accomplices fully understood that the West would limit itself to condemnation and concern, imposing sanctions on Russia, but not directly intervening in the conflict. However, at the same time, the invaders believed that they would be able to capture Ukraine in a few days, and that we would not get heavy weapons at all. But it didn't happen as expected. the Russians failed their plans, did not reach the borders of the Donetsk region and began to do everything to get time.

The trump card of the invaders for forcing Ukraine to a truce is the nuclear blackmail of all of Europe. It was for this purpose that the occupiers fired at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and defiantly mined it. Thus, Putin sent a powerful message to the whole world: either the partner countries are forcing Zelensky to agree with Russia on a truce and receive guarantees to stop aggression from Moscow, or they will lead to the most powerful nuclear accident in the history of mankind.

Nuclear blackmail became possible solely because the Russians never played by the rules, and the world was silently watching. The sanctions imposed on the aggressor back in 2014 were violated by the EU representatives themselves. The same Germany and France supplied the Russians with military goods, helped with the construction of the Crimean bridge and a power plant for the peninsula.

In the security organizations, at the same time, they consistently blocked both the deployment of a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine and the supply of weapons to Ukraine. After all, the West wanted to forget about the problem and played appeasement with the aggressor. Russia has consistently corrupted many human rights activists, spread its influence in other countries and abused its right to veto at the UN.

The capture and mining of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe is a cold-blooded blackmail of the whole world.At the same time, Putin did this, fully understanding that there would be no decisive reactions from the international community to such an act. Because the IAEA will not be able to do anything except write a few releases, and NATO member countries will not send their special forces to the power plant to resolve the security issue. In fact, unfortunately, the world has not been able to fully adapt and create decisive mechanisms to combat such hybrid-terrorist aggression.

Nuclear blackmail will not stop as long as Russia exists

The problem with Russian threats to blow up the ZNPP is that if Ukraine is forced into a truce, the invaders can quickly annex all the territories they have captured and return to the tactics of brandishing their nuclear stick. Like, the missile spear of Russia will now be extended to parts of the Kherson, Zaporozhye regions and Donbass. And, of course, the invaders will continue their aggression further, because it is precisely because of the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Russia that such a situation became possible at all. Because otherwise the West would not be afraid to really oppose Putin and his people.

Therefore, we are talking about the constant blackmail of the whole world with classic nuclear weapons or a “dirty bomb”, which will not stop as long as the Russian Federation exists or as long as full demilitarization will not take place in the Moscow swamps.

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