Home » NOVUS and Food for Ukraine continue to help Ukraine: the main directions of charity projects

NOVUS and Food for Ukraine continue to help Ukraine: the main directions of charity projects

by alex

NOVUS, together with its own charitable foundation Food for Ukraine, founded in Lithuania, continues to lend a helping hand to Ukrainians. As in the past year, the company satisfies the primary needs of the population. At the same time, support for children remains an important vector of activity.

Raimondas Tumenas, the beneficiary of the network, was one of the first to respond to the call to support Ukrainians. The company began to provide humanitarian assistance in the Kyiv region already in the first days of a full-scale invasion. After all, Raimondas is convinced that it is necessary to make every effort to provide the necessary assistance to the segments of the population of Ukraine, especially those who have suffered over the past year.

How the assistance of international partners enhances NOVUS charity and what is known about the network's plans for 2023 – we tell in the material.

How NOVUS helps Ukrainians

Despite all the challenges and difficulties of the past year, the NOVUS supermarket chain has done everything possible to alleviate the plight of Ukrainians, who are especially hard pressed by the consequences of a full-scale Russian invasion. Thus, from February to the end of December, the company handed over more than 360,000 food packages worth over UAH 65 million. By the end of winter, the network will hand over thousands more sets, for which about 2,000,000 hryvnias were allocated.

NOVUS supermarket is doing everything possible to alleviate the situation of Ukrainians/Photo NOVUS

Essential goods are donated to those who need support the most right now. Among the recipients are residents of Gostomel, Borodyanka, Vyshgorod, as well as lonely pensioners, people with disabilities and those whose houses were destroyed by enemy shells.

Essential goods go to those who are especially needs support/Photo by NOVUS

NOVUS pays special attention to children, since it is this category of the population that is acutely experiencing the realities of wartime. In addition to helping with food, children are surrounded by comprehensive care and support. For example, with the onset of cold weather, one and a half thousand blankets were handed over, on the eve of the school year, NOVUS, together with clients, gathered 1,500 students to school by purchasing basic stationery, and on World Heart Day, the network teamed up with the Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery and organized a free examination of children from low-income families.

Supporting children is an important part of NOVUS activities/NOVUS photo

The Christmas holidays were not spared either. To distract kids from military realities, NOVUS organized a real fairy tale before the New Year with performances, games and useful gifts. Also, the Great Little Heart project operates on a permanent basis in the network, which successfully helps to raise funds for the treatment of children with congenital heart defects.

Children occupy a special place in our community assistance program. Behind them are hopes, tomorrow, work on the development of a strong country. But today they really need support. And a bit of childhood, which they were deprived of. We sincerely rejoice when at least partially we manage to return it, – says Raimondas Tumenas, the beneficiary of the NOVUS supermarket chain. h2>

Providing Ukrainians with the most important has become one of the daily tasks of NOVUS. The company tries to be useful in all aspects, operating both locally and internationally. The Lithuanian charitable foundation Food for Ukraine, founded by a supermarket chain, plays a leading role in the latter. However, all this would not have been possible without the support of caring citizens of Lithuania, as well as partners of the foundation – philanthropists and European businesses, who were united by NOVUS.

The company is trying to be useful in all aspects/Photo NOVUS

We cannot stand by when the country needs support. Our strategic decision is to help Ukrainians with a fundamentally important thing – food. For us, this is not just a component of corporate social responsibility. This is a complete mission. And daily work. Along with solving business issues, we are looking for opportunities to continue to provide assistance. Our goals are shared by the Lithuanians, the majority of the country's residents contribute to the support of Ukraine. They believe in its formation, just as I personally believe in a stable and strong future for this state,” Raimondas shares.

Recovery and investment

Not only the population, but also the economy of Ukraine is in great need of support. After all, the guarantee of stabilization during the crisis is the work of business, capital financial investments in development. That is why NOVUS made a significant decision – not to stop investing in stores, warehouses, despite the potential risks and actual losses that the company has already suffered for almost a year. By the end of 2022, the chain was able to complete an important stage – the restoration of all war-damaged stores – the last and very symbolic opening was in Bucha, on Mirotskaya. In addition, it was decided to continue the construction of a modern distribution center. The volume of investments, according to the owner, has already managed to exceed 350,000,000 hryvnia.

According to the entrepreneur, Ukraine will certainly defend its freedom and in the future be able to become one of the most developed countries in Europe. At the same time, he personally will continue to use the available resources to accelerate this process, namely: investing in business, working on opening new stores and warehouses, which in turn creates jobs. And will certainly continue to provide charitable support.

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