Home ยป Not only New Kakhovka: Ukrainian defenders destroyed another squad in the South with an accurate blow

Not only New Kakhovka: Ukrainian defenders destroyed another squad in the South with an accurate blow

by alex

AFU destroyed another enemy train/APU

The Russians are having serious problems securing their insane bombardment. The enemy is losing their warehouses one by one.

The Russian invaders will soon begin to think about saving their shells. Our heroes very accurately and skillfully reduce their stocks.

Destruction of another convoy of Russians

Explosions in the ammunition depots of Russian infidels are slowly becoming habitual phenomenon. The enemy will have to reduce the intensity of their insane artillery bombardment and conserve supplies.

Our heroes have reported the destruction of another enemy train with ammunition. It was located in Volshchebny, but an accurate strike by our defenders and defenders left the occupiers without the problem of storing ammunition in the warehouse and set off a big fireworks display. h2>

At dawn, the Russian invaders launched a powerful artillery strike on Nikolaev and the city's environs. For the attack, the enemy used S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems and Smerch multiple launch rocket systems. Several people were injured, enemy shells hit a gas pipeline, two medical institutions, a school, a trolleybus depot and several multi-storey residential buildings.

The enemy also fired missiles at Bashtanka, one dead is known.


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