Home » Not far from a sledgehammer: at a school in Chelyabinsk, students were attacked by young people with hammers

Not far from a sledgehammer: at a school in Chelyabinsk, students were attacked by young people with hammers

by alex

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There was a mass brawl at a school in Russian Chelyabinsk. A group of unknown people in a balaclava and with hammers broke into the premises.

The event took place on the morning of February 8 in one of the local schools. Unknown men in masks entered the school building.

Circumstances of the incident

Three unknown young men ran into the school building, followed by three more wearing masks and armed with hammers. As it turned out, the reason for this was the conflict between the ninth graders on a national basis between the “Russian” Nikita and the “non-Russian” Feruz. After a series of conflicts, the schoolchildren decided to “have a serious talk” and made an appointment at the school.

However, Nikita did not come to the meeting himself, but called his friends who came with hammers and a traumatic gun. As a result of the massacre, two schoolchildren were injured – Feruz and his friend. the latter was hospitalized.

Junior schoolchildren began to call their parents and frightenedly talk about unknown people with weapons and balaclavas at school. Even after the brawl was over, the children could not calm down, so their parents took them away, and classes were canceled.

A fifth-grader with a knife attacked her friend

In the Moscow region the other day in one of the lyceums A fifth-grader in the school toilet attacked her friend with a knife. According to eyewitnesses, 26 knife cuts were counted on the face of the injured girl, and about 20 more deep wounds on her body. Then they clarified that the child had 100 stab wounds in total. They were sewn up, but the girl is in intensive care.

The reason for the conflict that led to the massacre is still unknown. Doctors are fighting for the life of the victim.

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