Home » No Tchaikovskys: Kyiv Conservatory needs to return the name of Nikolai Lysenko

No Tchaikovskys: Kyiv Conservatory needs to return the name of Nikolai Lysenko

by alex

What, in my opinion, is the worst foulness of the situation with the name of the Kyiv Conservatory after a Russian composer, albeit with Ukrainian roots.

Lysenko School

Whatever one may say, our Nikolai Vitalyevich Lysenko founded the school of academic music for us in Kyiv, in particular, literally, not only as a composer-pianist-choirmaster-music teacher, but also as a philanthropist: for “all the money” he had.< /p>

Despite the fact that Lysenko was never a rich man – he was the father of a large family for which he had to earn money, and Ukrainian operas on the stage of the imperial theater during the years of the Emsky decree, sorry, did not earn money (they didn’t shoot people for Ukrainian music then, but in they threw the prison out to themselves, and Mr. Lysenko, by the way, also happened …).

The grateful community on the 35th anniversary of his creative activity collected a substantial amount for Nikolai Vitalyevich so that he would buy himself a decent house at least in his old age, and he he used those funds and founded a school of music and drama, and from it grew the current Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Music Academy.

Do not despise

< p>This is exactly that “Kyiv Kosachey”, without which we would not exist now, and about which I write in “The Yak They Cut the Cherry Orchard” and earlier, in Notre Dame d'Ukraine.

Academic discussions about what Tchaikovsky (whom I personally love dearly) owes to the Ukrainian musical tradition, and where he had Ukrainian motives, and where Ukrainian ancestors, let's leave to musicologists – this has nothing to do with the principles of cultural memorialization .

As doctors have the first commandment – “Do no harm”, so the memorizers should have – “Do not despise” (those thanks to whom you are here). And the Lysenko school, and therefore all Ukrainian academic music, was deliberately despised for us – and so strongly that even to this day.

Colonial practices

In the 1920s it was the Lysenko Music and Drama Institute. And in 1934, when Kyiv undertook to “denazify” Stalin, the institute was “reformed” so that there would be no mention of the local elites – they were divided and made into two, theatrical (named after Karpenko-Kary, do not think that the “Petliurist” Sadovsky !) – and the conservatory – that's right, the name of Tchaikovsky, don't think that Lysenko …

And so that the “fierce enemies of the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists” do not “slander abroad” that the Soviet government is something oppresses and despises everyone even then the memorable feat of Nikolai Vitalyevich, then a children's musical boarding school was opened at the conservatory and the name Lysenko was assigned to him (correct colonial subordination, Alexander II would have approved: “small” Lysenko – under the “great” Tchaikovsky.

No Tchaikovskys: The Kyiv Conservatory needs to return the name of Mykola Lysenko

Who does not believe – look at the text on the memorial plaque of Lysenko's house on Reitarskaya, I would personally “de-Russify” that plaque very first!

That's how things are, kids. That's how it is “running everything”…

The Kremlin has a plan to destroy the Baltic countries – watch the video:

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