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No need to distract from the war those on whom everything now depends

by alex

Keep in line/Channel 24

Wars win resources. In general, countries are fighting with resources. People are a resource. Patriotism and the thirst for victory are a resource. Sustainability is a resource. Money is a resource. Weapons are resources. Technology is a resource. Learning is a resource. Help is a resource. However, the main resource is people. And their internal resource. Because neither weapons, nor money, nor technologies work without people.

Each of us is a resource

Who is more, who is less. But each of us is the bearer of this resource. Each of us is “measured” his share. However, each of us has his own resource in terms of size and power.

Winning the war, defeating the enemy, superior in numbers and weapons, is possible only thanks to high efficiency. In everything. This is when the resource is 100 percent engaged and subordinated to one goal. When each person does with dedication one hundred percent or more what he does best. where it is most effective. And when everyone gives 100%, the joint resource wins.

Each of us has our own conditional resource bucket. Someone has 12 liters, someone has 10, someone has 3. Well, God endowed it that way. Someone has 50. But more than it is, it is not there and there is nowhere to take it. This includes all the internal, psychological, mental, emotional, spiritual forces inherent in a particular person. Resilience, intelligence, concentration, reaction, decision-making under conditions of superhuman stress – all this gives us our inner resource.

How it works

When in the first days and weeks, when it was hard , incomprehensibly and disturbingly, I, in addition to doing everything I could around Kharkov, partially spent my resource on social networks. He wrote, calmed down, talked with someone. Then it all started to come down to just informing on my pages.

I don't have enough resources/time/energy to comment and argue. Therefore, I often delete comments that have potential srach, and ban commentators.

I am not interested in srach. I'm not interested in the attitude towards me or what I wrote. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you can't get through, I'll ban you. Because I have a very, very limited resource. I can't waste it on proving or chewing on someone.

If I waste my resource on nonsense in the comments, I will stupidly not be able to do something useful and important. Everything is very simple. There is a resource bucket. Either I use the whole bucket for a useful business with 100% return, or I pour it into 10 or 100 cases that are not related to the most important thing – working to win.

Everything is very, very simple. There is nowhere to take more than there is. All internal resources are involved. We believed that we began to get tired in 8 years, but it only seemed so. Because we have learned about real fatigue in the last 3 months. As well as about the war.

Why am I bringing all this up for so long? Just to make it clear with a specific example, what will be discussed further.

I give all my resource in order to increase the resource of people who are now destroying the enemy. Who make hundreds, thousands of decisions every day. I am doing everything I can to, apart from helping with material things, unload the heads of people who are 100% immersed in the war right now. If I manage to remove at least some kind of headache from the company commander or battalion commander, brigade commander, commanding the grouping, this means that I have freed them their resource, which is needed to make the right decisions. Because a tired and exhausted person is more likely to make mistakes.

My task is to give all my resources to save a small drop from those on whom fateful military decisions for the defense of the country depend.< /p>

Undercover games have begun

Now all the military plow on the edge and beyond. The price of responsibility and mistakes is Ukraine. Very simple. We have held back and are holding the invasion for more than 100 days because the military leadership (I repeat – the military) has mobilized all its resources, uniting all Ukrainians, and everyone is fighting in his place every day, as if it were the last. Not distracted by secondary things. Not spraying. That's why we're still standing. Therefore, the whole world is delighted with the Ukrainian military miracle.

However, there is one but. More and more often I see attempts by certain groups to involve the military leadership in some kind of intrigue, near-political games, some kind of rumors and assumptions. More than once or twice, I see unsubstantiated topics being blown up that are intended to emotionally affect someone in the military leadership.

I just want to emphasize. Everything that does not help victory and struggle is harmful. Anyone who deliberately distracts the military from military affairs and reduces focus on the main thing is harmful.

Conditional Zaluzhny does not have more resource than he has. If now he is distracted from the war, it will only be at the expense of the quality of military decisions. Everything is very simple. Either a person is engaged in a war with 100% return, or two of 50, but less. Or 20, but small, like Zhvanetsky's crayfish. And every decision in the war is very, very important.

I will fight any attempt to distract the military leadership from the war with all the forces and means at my disposal. No matter who these attempts come from, and no matter what kind of relationship I had before.

If someone wants politics, has a resource for political actions and games, act. Because the power needs to be controlled and fucked up. But there is no need to solve political issues by weaving into politics people who now bear military responsibility for the state. Who are immersed in the war and must be immersed in it so that we win.

I do not write any names, no specifics. I don't want a fight. Those who have eyes will see. I just want to protect our military so that they can protect our state. Everything is very simple. There is no need to distract from the war those on whom everything depends today. Because each of us may not have tomorrow.

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