Home » No chance of survival: why Russia will burn until autumn

No chance of survival: why Russia will burn until autumn

by alex

At the beginning of winter, Russian propagandists vying with each other wrote articles about how “Ukraine will not survive the next 3 months”, Europe will allegedly freeze without gas, and “Kiev will plunge into the 7th century and crawl to capitulate.” Reading such “analytics”, the inhabitants of the swamps felt the incredible greatness of Russia.

Everyone knows how Putin’s winter military campaign on our fronts ended, but for some reason, fresh predictions from propagandists of low rank for the Russians were not brought up. Well, solely to inform opponents of the Kremlin regime from the Bryansk region and other regions of Russia, the editors of Channel 24 consider it necessary to talk about what the future of Russia will be like in the coming months. Without fantasies and unnecessary victorious reports.

It is clear that predicting any large-scale riots or palace coups in the prison of nations is a completely thankless task, especially since Russian society simply does not physically know how to protest. However, a whole series of events that will take place in Russia with the onset of warming and until late autumn can be spoken of as something inevitable.

The first thing that all Russians should understand is that they have no chance to survive. Absolutely none. George W. Bush (surprise) can no longer supply them with chicken thighs, and humanitarian aid in the form of tractors from Belarus and drones from Iran is not enough. In addition, the Russian government is unlikely to be able to buy at least something edible for the introduction of nutrition on coupons, since the money is running out, so you will have to eat birch bark and drink oil. Fortunately, thanks to sanctions, this black liquid in Russia now has nowhere to go, because to buy Russian energy carriers can only be China and India, but in very limited quantities and at reduced price tags.

Dozens of tankers loaded with oil and diesel fuel are already hanging in the seas and oceans, which were simply released from ports in the hope that at least somewhere there will be a client who needs cargo. However, for some reason, there are no people who want to buy Russian oil products, which means only one thing: all kinds of Gazproms and Rosneft may already start paying salaries to their employees with products. Because without sales, there are warehouses and storages full, but there is no income at all, and even now oil and gas production in Russia has declined very significantly.

It is not at all difficult to guess what this situation will lead to in a few months – to mass layoffs, the closure of enterprises and the decay of the entire industry, which at one time fed the entire country years since the collapse of the USSR, they have not created or invented anything new at all with which the state could earn a living.

Everyone has already felt the lack of replenishment of the budget with billions of petrodollars. Even if they still have not guessed that the deterioration of life is connected precisely with this. Russian officials have nowhere to get money to finance the war, which is why they have to “eat up” reserve funds. At the same time, the further, the more the Kremlin puts pressure on entrepreneurs for “voluntary” investments in the budget. And this leads to higher prices, and to the closure of the business.

So the Russians will just have to sit and look at oil products that they cannot sell.

A restless tanker with a Russian diesel engine on board is doomed to forever roam the ocean in search of buyers / Photo by ANP

Probably, for the first time in 23 years, Putin will be able to fulfill at least one of his campaign promises – to share minerals with his people. It is quite possible that for the sake of such a project, somewhere in Skolkovo, for several billion candy wrappers, they will develop and buy special coolers on Aliexpress. If before that moment China, of course, does not announce the holding of 公民投票 (a voluntary opinion poll on the annexation of the originally Chinese territories of Moscow to the fraternal people). Of course, if something like this happens, we will not have any good news for the Russians. After all, even Google translator could not correctly translate “referendum” from Ukrainian due to the lack of such words in the Chinese language. However, if necessary, Xi will clearly explain to the Russians that they historically descended from the Uyghurs, and therefore must move to concentration camps.

Uighur concentration camp in China. Similar ones can form for the Russians if the party makes such a decision / Photo by BBC

However, let's return to the prospects of the Russians without analyzing the geopolitical situation. Already, stories are being prepared in Ostankino about how Tsar Putin lived to be 70 years old only because he drank a glass of oil every morning. And bread and pasta are all American products that Russians need to refuse. Think it's something incredible? Leave, who could even imagine that another “little war” would lead to a budget deficit the size of Lake Baikal, more than 150 thousand Russians would be destroyed by the Ukrainian Defense Forces in just a year, and TV stars like Kandelaki would write about a new reality when kamikaze drones fly to Moscow.

And what happened? / Screenshot of Tina Kandelaki's telegram post

A few more months of insane operation of the printing press, attempts to import substitution of technological solutions and the lack of export of their products, and every resident of the swamps can understand how the war hit his pocket. When taxes and utility tariffs are increased for the sake of continuing attempts to seize Ukraine, businesses will be required to make not small, but quite tangible “voluntary” contributions “in support of the SVO.” Now some conditional average resident of Kaluga may not even feel much of a deterioration in life, but a devastating crisis is already knocking on his door.

It is quite understandable that with the deteriorating economic situation across Russia, the trend of entrepreneurs to burn down their warehouses, restaurants, shopping centers and offices will by no means end. It has long been clear to all businessmen that they will not receive income, refinancing will not help, and the state will simply take away all their real estate for debts.

And there is nothing to be surprised that the owners of small and large companies prefer to just start a “small” fire, get their hands on insurance payments and flee somewhere in Georgia. Where there is neither repression nor mobilization.

In addition, we should not forget that the territories of the “Belgorod People's Republic” bordering on Ukraine are under permanent bombardment by Russian air defense and artillery. This will certainly lead to serious fires and sooner or later the local residents will finally get bored. Whether this will lead to the formation of militia units, as happened in Bryansk, is a rhetorical question. In addition, unknown drones will definitely “add fire” to Russia, with which representatives of the peoples enslaved by Moscow, who have returned from the so-called “SVO” gangs of thugs with the skills to kill and rob, as well as partisan detachments, almost daily shoot at the neighboring “republics”.

As practice has shown, the Russian security forces are only capable of beating women with batons and putting pseudo-liberals on a bottle, but when it comes to real security protection, they turned out to be absolutely mediocre. The DRG of the “Belgorod People's Republic” is able to overcome minefields and obstacle courses for which the state has paid billions of rubles, make a “rustle” in the neighboring region and disappear into the air, as if nothing had happened. How did the FSB, police and military personnel react to this? Stories about a girl who became a boy, the deployment of “Grads” to clean up the area from saboteurs (that is, they would simply “polish” their own cities and villages from the MLRS), and even then the Russian Guardsmen were blown up on their mines when the DRG had long since retreated no loss.

It turns out that you can freely move around Russia with explosives and weapons, moreover, even capture entire settlements. The inhabitants of Kursk can simply go to war against Bryansk, and no one can stop them.

No one and nothing can prevent local militias from raiding strategically important facilities in different regions of Russia / Photo “Military”

To the surprise of the whole world, Russia turned out to be a 404 country, where even the president cannot clearly show its borders, and where the army consists of war criminals stuck and in the process of being disposed of in a neighboring state. And no matter how tense the Kremlin propagandists are, they cannot change the fact that no one from Rostov to Vladivostok can feel safe. The vaunted Russian air defense is not capable of protecting even one of the most protected airfields from civilian drones, what can we say about other objects. “The transition of an aircraft to supersonic” can happen at any time in any place in Russia, such is the reality there now.

Shoigu, extinguish the taiga

Do not forget about seasonal forest fires, which annually destroy all living things in Russia on an area of tens of thousands of hectares. In 2022, due to a lack of equipment and rescuers, conscript soldiers had to be used to extinguish them. The scale of the fires was simply incredible.

Thus, toxic smoke from fires covered an area of 5.3 million square kilometers, which is much larger than the area of the European Union. The fire covered 77 regions out of 83, destroyed entire settlements, and no one came to the aid of local residents, because they were simply abandoned.

In 2022, fires destroyed a bunch of Russian settlements / Photo from local propaganda pseudo-media

It is extremely difficult to predict how serious the fires will be this time, but it will definitely not be better. Moreover, the deadwood burning season in Russia has already begun, even despite the apparent absence of appropriate weather conditions. Hoping that the army will arrive to put out large-scale fires, the inhabitants of the swamps should not. Moreover, it is likely that Moscow will not dare to send ordinary rescuers somewhere inland, because they are constantly needed in places where warehouses and oil depots are burning.

Russian rescuers have something to do even without forest fires / Photo from Russian social networks from the site of another fire in Moscow

The only thing that can save the Siberians from the fire is the fact that several million Chinese have settled in the endless forests of the taiga, so perhaps the leaders of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are still planning rescue operations and preparing for any possible incidents. Still, it was not in vain that a few years ago, various generals openly mocked Shoigu, sending him to extinguish the taiga.

So in the near future in Russia everything will literally burn. Including the chairs on which individuals sit who have not yet realized the simple fact of their defeat in the war against Ukraine. And this fire of the world, both literally and figuratively, will burn Russia before this autumn.

In the meantime, the occupants have a few more weeks before the final realization that everything is not going according to plan at all.

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