Home » “Nightmare 10 seconds, and then panic, fire”: eyewitnesses about the terrible train collision in Greece

“Nightmare 10 seconds, and then panic, fire”: eyewitnesses about the terrible train collision in Greece

by alex

In Greece, a passenger and freight train collided on the way, resulting in many deaths. Subsequently, eyewitness accounts of this terrible accident appeared on the network.

Note that this accident occurred in the city of Thessaloniki on the evening of February 28 and as of 08:00, March 1, 32 dead and 85 injured were known. People who were on one of the trains and were not injured claim that they lived through the horror of the night.

“It was like an earthquake”

It should be said that this passenger train was heading from Athens to Thessaloniki, and the freight train was heading from Thessaloniki to Larissa. So they collided.

Subsequently, Stergios Minenis, a 28-year-old passenger on the train, told reporters about what he had to endure. In fact, he jumped to safety from the rubble after the crash happened.

We heard a big bang, it was 10 horrible seconds. We rolled over in the car until we fell on our side … Then there was panic, a fire, the fire caught fire instantly. When we rolled over, we were burned, the fire was on the right and left sides,” he said.

Also, other people who managed to survive said that there was a terrible panic in the car – people were screaming. One young guy shared that “it was like an earthquake.”

Note! This situation was also commented on by the Governor of Thessaly region Konstantinos Agorastos. He noted that the first four cars of the passenger train were derailed as a result of the accident, and the first two cars, which immediately caught fire, were “almost completely destroyed.”

Railway accident in Poland

To this topic, let us recall that not so long ago, on the night of February 25, a drunk Ukrainian caused an accident in Poland. Actually, he drove the car onto the track, and the train knocked it down.

This accident occurred in the village of Ozaruwy-Mazowiecki. The man himself was not injured, because he ran out of the car before the train entered it.

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