Home » Night attacks on Russian oil depots: it is known what exactly came under attack

Night attacks on Russian oil depots: it is known what exactly came under attack

by alex

Night attacks on Russian oil depots: it is known what exactly was hit by Sofia Rozhik

It is known what exactly came under attack by SBU drones/Collage 24 Channel

SBU drones continue to reduce economic and military potential Russia to wage war against Ukraine. Thus, on the night of June 20, explosions were heard again at oil depots in Russian cities.

According to sources 24 Channel, this night the special forces of the Service hit the warehouse of fuels and lubricants of Tambovnefteproduct JSC and the Enemskaya oil depot of LUKOIL-Yugnaftoprodukt LLC.

The attacked facilities provided the Russian army with fuel

At these facilities, raw materials and finished products were processed and stored, which were subsequently used for the needs of the Russian army . After a series of hits by SBU drones, fires started at both sites.

SBU strikes on enterprises that operate in the Russian military-industrial complex reduce the resources that the enemy can wage war, and they force the aggressor country to spend money on restoring infrastructure,” the SBU noted.

By the way, the fire at the attacked oil depots was so powerful that they managed to record it satellites.

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