Home » New mobilization: who does the Ukrainian Armed Forces need and is it possible to choose a position independently?

New mobilization: who does the Ukrainian Armed Forces need and is it possible to choose a position independently?

by alex

The bravery and invincibility of our soldiers amazes the whole world. They literally hold Ukraine on their shoulders. Assaults, a barrage of fire, swarms of drones – the Kremlin spares neither iron nor manpower. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces are fighting back, winning back every meter of their native land.

And this despite the fact that the balance of forces is unequal. Our contingent on the front line, according to experts, is smaller than the enemy.

“We even conduct offensive operations with fewer people than those we are attacking.” The fact that these operations were not a failure and that much was achieved is a fantastic achievement of our defenders. But if there were more of these defenders, the situation would be radically different,” said military observer Yevgeny Dikiy.

The lack of people is called one of the main reasons why the Ukrainian Armed Forces cannot turn the situation around at the front.

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Who does the army need?

The list of specialists is actually quite wide. There are many civilian professions in it. And in order to master purely military skills, you also need abilities and skills from civilian life.

To conduct a more targeted recruitment, the authorities want to fully involve commercial recruiting companies. They will post vacancies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in their databases – they say, this way a person will be able to choose a job in the department in which he wants.

“The motivation of units to contact us is precisely to find specialists for a specific position, and not just to fill staff,” said Alexey Rudenko, head of military recruiting at the personnel agency.

The agency has already recruited about 2.5 thousand applicants into its ranks. The range of vacancies is wide – from infantry and artillery to electronic warfare reconnaissance.

It is through job search portals that the Armed Forces of Ukraine actively attract IT specialists. They can work according to their profile and be no less useful to the Motherland: develop various programs, engage in cyber defense, or be directly in combat brigades.

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At the same time, recruiting through private recruitment agencies will only be an auxiliary mobilization tool.

— It will be one of the elements of mobilization. Recruiters will work mainly to recruit soldiers and non-commissioned officers. Because those professions and vacancies that they announce are not positions of the secret regime,” said Ivan Timochko, Chairman of the Council of Reservists of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Will it be possible to independently choose a position during mobilization?

Secretary of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence of the Verkhovna Rada Roman Kostenko said that desires will be taken into account, as well as physical characteristics.

He explained that one desire to become a special forces soldier is not enough, just like a tank driver for a person who is 2 meters tall.

Will the age for men and women eligible for mobilization change?

Now this is the category from 27 to 60 years. And up to 65 years of age – for senior officers.

Citizens from 18 to 27 years old, if they have not completed military service or military training, can only go to the front as volunteers. However, deputies adjusted this norm six months ago. But the president has not yet signed the bill, so it has not entered into force.

Ukraine's Western allies are calling for young fighters to be recruited to the front. But the large-scale bill, which will propose a new model of mobilization, does not talk about this, according to deputies. Although, as our military experts say, the problem of age is felt at the front.

The age of the fighters is the second problem after the number. And here the working group working on a large-scale bill proposed several options for solving it. The first is the abolition of deferment from service for persons receiving a second or third education. They also plan to take a firm grip on draft dodgers.

According to experts involved in the development of the document, the bill does not consider the criminalization of evasion of military registration. But they plan to increase the powers of the TCC.

In addition, by December 1, all employers in the country were required to submit lists of their draft-age employees to the military registration and enlistment offices, which will significantly expand the existing registers.

But military experts state: the old system of mobilization of the repressive model, which was left to us from the Soviet past, is outdated. The country must move to a democratic model – to a recruiting system with a guaranteed motivational base. And an understanding of what military personnel will receive during their service and after demobilization. The timing of which must also be clearly stated.

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