Home » New armed forces are being formed in Belarus: Zhdanov suggested when to expect a threat from the north

New armed forces are being formed in Belarus: Zhdanov suggested when to expect a threat from the north

by alex

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In Belarus, covert mobilization is carried out during military exercises. This may be the formation of new armed forces of the so-called “union state”.

Such a “USSR 2.0” in the form of armed forces is gradually beginning to revive. Military expert Oleg Zhdanov spoke about this on Channel 24.

How long does the new armed forces take

This situation requires additional attention of Ukraine. After all, the threat begins to gradually appear, and will continue to grow.

However, this threat will be material for us not earlier than at the end of winter or not at the beginning of spring. Previously, they are unlikely to be able to form any group that will consist of the military of Belarus and Russia, united into a single military body, Oleg Zhdanov convinces.

Therefore, he assures that this is the prospect of the next 2-3 months, and definitely no less.

Back to news with Russia. Consequently, in this context, Alexander Lukashenko will no longer be able to avoid direct participation in the war against Ukraine.

The general staff of Russia controls everything. He will manage these combined forces. Lukashenka has so far announced partial mobilization under the guise of military training in the countryside,” says Oleg Zhdanov.

In addition, the Belarusian dictator went on a tour of enterprises, where he meets with collectives, so as not to provoke a social explosion due to mobilization .

“He says that Ukraine will attack tomorrow, Poland will attack tomorrow, the Baltic countries will attack tomorrow. Therefore, he is “forced” to hold this meeting. In fact, it will be mobilization,” the military expert explains.


Already these mobilized, according to the specialist, will be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Russian General Staff. Russia will act here as a “union state” and will finance them.

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