Home » Near Melitopol, Russians are looking for participants in the ATO and JFO: they do not bypass a single house

Near Melitopol, Russians are looking for participants in the ATO and JFO: they do not bypass a single house

by alex

The situation near Melitopol/Wikipedia

< strong _ngcontent-sc86="">Russian invaders are looking for “saboteurs” in Akimov community near Melitopol. They do not go around a single house, because they are trying to find participants in the ATO and JFO.

The Russian occupiers began looking for “saboteurs” immediately after the bridge near Akimovka was blown up. This was reported in the Zaporizhia OVA on May 3.

In Melitopol, the workshops of the upper platform of the motor plant were searched. In the villages near the city, not a single house is bypassed. Russian invaders, according to the OVA, are looking for participants in the ATO and JFO.

In particular, more than 40 people were interrogated in the Akimovskaya community.

What is known about the blowing up of the bridge near Akimovka

< p>On April 28, Ukrainian partisans blew up a bridge near Akimovka. It was an important strategic object for the Russians. Through it, the invaders delivered fuel, weapons and equipment from Crimea.

Russian invaders spread a fake that the bridge “self-destructed”.

The situation in Zaporozhye on May 3

Russian the invaders fired artillery at the village of Zheleznodorozhnoye, Pologovsky district. They smashed the local school, damaged 12 houses. 2 people died from inflicted fragmental wounds.

In occupied Berdyansk, people heard explosions near the port. After that, the Russian invaders began to actively conduct searches. In the Zaporizhia Regional Military District they say that this indicates the resistance of the Ukrainians.

In Orekhovo, due to enemy artillery attacks, 7 private houses were partially damaged and outbuildings were destroyed.

In the temporarily occupied territories, the Russians are actively preparing for the celebration of May 9th. Billboards with Russian symbols banned in Ukraine have already appeared in Berdyansk, Melitopol, Vasilievka, Mikhailovka, Dneprorudny.

Occupants fired at least 18 rockets into Ukraine

In the evening of May 3, Russian invaders fired into Ukraine at least 18 missiles. They flew from the Caspian region. The missiles were fired with the help of Tu-95 or Tu-160 strategic bombers.

They hit the infrastructure facilities of the following regions:

  • Dnepropetrovsk;
  • Kirovograd;
  • Lviv;
  • Vinnitsa;
  • Kyiv;
  • Zakarpatskaya.

More hits received Odessa and Donetsk regions. But the occupiers applied them from other means.

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