Home » NATO sees Russia preparing for a new offensive, Putin's goal has not changed – Stoltenberg

NATO sees Russia preparing for a new offensive, Putin's goal has not changed – Stoltenberg

by alex

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Despite the Kremlin's periodic statements that they are ready to sit down at the negotiating table, the actions of the aggressor country indicate the opposite. In particular, Russia is preparing more and more soldiers for its war of conquest.

Therefore, no one can name the dates when the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine will end. This was announced by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Russia is preparing for an offensive

He stressed that Putin can end the war of conquest as soon as possible, who unleashed it. So far, however, the Alliance is not seen as striving for peace in Russia. On the contrary, the aggressor country is only building up its forces for the next war and a new invasion.

This, in particular, is evidenced by:

  • mobilization of more than 200 thousand people, potentially even more,
  • purchase of weapons and ammunition, in particular, from Iran and North Korea,
  • increasing own production.

< p class="bloquote cke-markup">And what's more, we haven't seen any sign that President Putin has changed his overall goal of this invasion, which is to control the neighbor, control Ukraine, Stoltenberg emphasized.

Military aid to Ukraine is extremely important

Therefore, because of such actions of the occupying country, the world should be ready for lengthy negotiations and military support for Ukraine. First of all, because Russia's victory in the war will have tragic consequences not only for our state, but for the entire civilized democratic world.

This is because it will send a signal to authoritarian leaders that they can ignore the international order and take what they want by force. Therefore, it will make the world more dangerous. “Therefore, it is important that we continue to support Ukraine,” the NATO Secretary General emphasized.

He also added that most wars end at the negotiating table. However, “what happens at this table is inextricably linked to the situation on the battlefield and is completely dependent on it.” That is why the world needs to support Ukraine militarily as well.

Military support today makes it possible to reach a peace agreement tomorrow. But as long as President Putin believes he can win on the battlefield, he will not sit down and participate in good faith. Therefore, the paradox is that, in fact, military support for Ukraine is the best way to achieve a peaceful solution to the war through negotiations,” Stoltenberg said.

Military assistance to Ukraine: latest news

  • Germany has given “green light” for the supply of modern tanks of its production Leopard to Ukraine. After that, a number of countries announced a possible such delivery. Moreover, Poland announced the creation of a coalition of donor countries of modern armored weapons for Ukraine.
  • According to the reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and military expert Roman Svitan, Leopard tanks can “go into battle” as early as February.
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  • It is also known that Poland, in addition to 14 Leopard tanks, will transfer another 60 of its PT-91 Twardy tanks to Ukraine. The defenders are already using armored vehicles on the battlefield.
  • Great Britain is also preparing to send its Challenger 2 tanks. Defense Minister Ben Wallace said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will provide a squadron of these tanks – 14 units.

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