Home ยป NATO Secretary General calls on South Korea to allow direct arms exports to Ukraine

NATO Secretary General calls on South Korea to allow direct arms exports to Ukraine

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc181="" class="news-annotation">NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has urged South Korea to revise its arms rule. The country has a rule refusing to export weapons to countries in conflict.

Jens Stoltenberg turned to South Korea so that she could help provide weapons to Ukraine to defend Russian aggression. He said this at a question and answer session after a speech at the Institute for Advanced Study in Seoul.

Why South Korea does not give arms to Ukraine

The South Korean president's decree enforcing the country's foreign trade law says that arms exports can only be used for “peaceful purposes” and “should not affect international peace, security maintenance and national security.”

Ministry of Defense countries stated that the country's position on the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine remains unchanged. So far, Seoul has only sent bulletproof vests, helmets and medical supplies to Ukraine, noting that it does not intend to supply military weapons.

NATO openly calls on Seoul to change its policy

The NATO Secretary General noted that several Allied countries that were supposed not to export weapons to conflict countries have now changed this policy. In particular, Germany, Norway and Sweden.

After the brutal invasion of Ukraine, these countries changed their policies because they realized that when you face a brutal invasion, when a great the state – Russia – invades another openly, as we saw in Ukraine, if we believe in freedom, if we believe in democracy, if we do not want autocracy and tyranny to win, then they need weapons, he stressed.

He stressed that the only way to defend democracy and ensure lasting peace in the world is to help Ukraine drive out the aggressor and win. This requires military support.

When a full-scale invasion took place last year, many countries changed their policies as they realized that the only way to defend democracy was to help Ukraine win and create the condition for a lasting peace is to provide military support, added the NATO Secretary General.

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