Home » NATO predicts a new stage of the war in Ukraine: it will be more difficult and bloody

NATO predicts a new stage of the war in Ukraine: it will be more difficult and bloody

by alex

Mircea Geoane/Interfax

NATO believes that the second stage of the war in Ukraine is inevitable. They note that it will be more difficult and bloody.

A new stage of the war in Ukraine

This was stated by NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoane. He noted that the new stage will cover large areas.

We will soon enter the second stage of this war, very bloody. It will be more complex, different in character from the first stage, on a much wider territory, both in the east, in the Donbass, and in the south, towards Crimea and Mariupol. So, according to our estimates, we are entering the second, even more difficult phase of this war, which seems to be dragging on, – said Joan.

He stressed that the war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine are a reality. The Allies and Ukraine are trying to document them all so that they do not go unpunished.

According to the Deputy Secretary of NATO, the new stage of Russia's war against Ukraine will have a military component much closer to a classic war, and not to what we saw in the first six weeks of the war, and, unfortunately, there will be civilian casualties.

Arms supplies to Ukraine

Gioane added that this is why the Allies decided to supply Ukraine with types adapted to the new situation weapons, and condemned the massacres of civilians by the Russians.

I applaud the determination and how President Zelensky and the leaders of the Ukrainian army are striving to defeat Russia once and for all – this is also an important change in how Ukraine sees its own chances, obviously with our support, but especially thanks to its own heroism, added Mircea Joane.

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