Home » NATO is going to train on nuclear deterrence: Zhdanov explained why this is for the Alliance

NATO is going to train on nuclear deterrence: Zhdanov explained why this is for the Alliance

by alex

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As for the NATO exercises on nuclear deterrence, no one will ask Russia anything anymore. These exercises are very good, because such an event means a demonstration of strength and intentions.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov told Channel 24 about this. He also noted that the exercises indicate that NATO forces are ready to repel nuclear threats. Such training used to take place once or twice a year.

“After the application of the Moratorium on nuclear testing, the world was a little “discharged” from nuclear weapons,” says Zhdanov.

But today Russia openly threatens with nuclear weapons, so it is logical that NATO is testing its own nuclear capabilities,” he notes.

What is the state of nuclear weapons in Russia

Most likely , tactical nuclear weapons are in the worst condition, Oleg Zhdanov notes, because no one has used them anywhere for a very long time. And I also need to add that these are still Soviet weapons.

“And the other weapon – it is not known how many main spare parts the Russians produced and whether they produced at all. If there was proper storage, then there is a chance that nuclear weapons are technically sound, but no one can guarantee this,” he sums up.

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