Home » Named link pandemic coronavirus mental health

Named link pandemic coronavirus mental health

by alex

A pandemic caused by a coronavirus, a new type of disease COVID-19 has an effect on mental health. The importance of this aspect of the epidemic reminded Dr. Emily Holmes from the Swedish Uppsala University at the international conference on the theme of coronavirus in London, organized by the Royal medical society of great Britain and the Charitable Foundation Viatcheslav Kantor. This is stated in the press release received by the editors”.ru”.

According to the medic, mental effects in the context of the pandemic is particularly strong in the elderly and children — as well as the body and psyche are linked, physicians need to work with new forms of treatment that take into account this fact.

“This is the first pandemic that was so widely covered in the media, people are bombarded with information,” said Holmes. She pointed out that the current situation is unprecedented people widely use smartphones, and it should be considered in the fight against the disease.

The current situation is dangerous for the psyche of many people — this is in General agreement in the medical environment. So, in may of this year, the psychiatrist Boris Mendelevich warned the Russians about the increased risk of occurrence of mental disorders after isolation.

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