Home » Multimillion-dollar collections Facts and leadership positions in the market: results of the year of Starlight Media news

Multimillion-dollar collections Facts and leadership positions in the market: results of the year of Starlight Media news

by alex

In 2023, the Starlight Media news team (Fakty ICTV and Vіkna STB) continued to maintain leadership with a record share of television viewing in marathon slots — 11.0%.

The slot produced by Starlight Media as part of the United News telethon is a leader in ratings production. Thus, Facts of the Week became the leader among weeklies with a share of 14.9% with an average share of evening slots (from 18:00 to 24:00) of 9.3%.

Also, Starlight Media in the second half of the year took a leading position as a producer of daily summaries with a share of 13.3%, which is 5% higher than the average share of daily summaries from all other manufacturers.

Now are watching

The best five format programs were headed by Civil Defense — with a share of 12.6%, Antizombie — 12%, TOP 5 fakes — 11.8%, based on Nielsen panel data from January 1 to December 27, 2023.

Starlight Media continues to engage in socially significant topics. At the end of last year, Starlight Media became the general information partner of the communication campaign Ti yak? of the All-Ukrainian mental health program, which is being implemented on the initiative of First Lady Elena Zelenskaya.

The media group is dedicated to building a national culture that is friendly to veterans, protecting and supporting human rights, and developing a responsible economy.

Among the key social focuses of Starlight Media — women's empowerment. The media group maintains leadership in the gender distribution of speakers in telethon programs. Thus, in the slots, women were represented in 30% (663 speakers), men — 70% (1,584 speakers).

Successes on digital platforms

Also in 2023, the Facts and Wikna websites collected more than 75 million users and 250 million page views. The Facts website is confidently included in the top 12 Ukrainian news sites, and the Vikna website is No. 1 among women's sites, according to the Gemius Ukraine rating.

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Starlight Media News brand communities on the social network Facebook reached more than 50 million audiences over the year and received more than 20 million interactions with content, and videos on our YouTube channels were viewed more than 2 billion times.

At the same time, more than 30% of the audience watches the YouTube channels Fakty, Vikna and ICTV from the territory of the Russian Federation, which makes them an important tool in the information fight against the aggressor.

— I would like to thank our editors and journalists for their contribution to the telethon, wonderful human stories, the truth, whatever it may be, sharp and direct questions, and work seven days a week. I would like to thank our viewers for their attention, trust and support.

On behalf of Starlight Media, our editors of Facts, Vikon, Facts of the Week, anti-propaganda projects, producers of documentaries and digital editions, I would like to assure you that we will not only make every effort to perform high-quality and honest work in the interests of all Ukrainians, but will also continue to work for the sake of promoting equality, supporting veterans, mental health and, of course, our army, — noted CEO of Starlight Media Alexander Bogutsky.

Record meeting

With the outbreak of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, Starlight Media has made fundraising using QR codes an integral part of its broadcasting. The flagship of the collection and the main initiator was the Facts ICTV team.

The previous large-scale collection of ICTV Facts for the Day of St. Nicholas and the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the purchase of FPV drones in the United News marathon slot collected more than 12 million UAH in six hours.

For almost two years of a full-scale war, on the initiative of Facts ICTV and Vіkna STB, more than 90 million UAH of aid to the front were collected in the ICTV slot in the marathon.

During the period of a full-scale war, the United News telethon implemented more than 20 large-scale fundraising campaigns for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other social missions. One of these campaigns during the first week of the war raised more than 1 billion UAH for the Turn Around Alive Charitable Foundation.

Trust and ratings of the telethon

Telethon Unified News remains the main source of information most trusted and consumed by the country. This is evidenced by numerous surveys and ratings.

In total, during the year, all producers of the United News telethon created and showed more than 88 thousand original materials (according to Starlight Media’s own monitoring).

Record volumes of TV content production for the marathon Unified news, adaptation of information materials in accordance with the wishes of the viewer and current challenges helps maintain attention and trust in the telethon.

According to the latest USAID-Internews survey (November 2023), 80% of Ukrainians know about the United News telethon, 55% — watch it regularly, 71% — trust the information from the telethon, and 65% believe that the marathon should continue.

At the same time, according to the Barometer of Trust in News research from the Public and research company Gradus Research (December 2023), 91% of Ukrainians surveyed know about the telethon.

About 30% of them watch the United News telethon regularly, 36% — Sometimes. The ICTV channel remains one of the leaders among marathon viewing channels with a viewing percentage of 32%.

According to the KIIS survey (December 2023), against the background of a significant decrease in trust in the Ukrainian media in general, trust in the telethon is 48% higher than in the Ukrainian media as a whole — 43% versus 29%.

Every time there was upheaval in the country, viewing of the telethon increased significantly, indicating that United News is a source of reliable information, a point of unity and stability for the majority of Ukrainians.

So, during the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station by the invaders on July 6, the share of the telethon was 17.05%; on days with news about the start of a counteroffensive in the Zaporozhye direction, massive rocket attacks and battles in the Bakhmut direction, the share reaches more than 13-14 %.

Social advertising

Over the two years of the United News telethon, 77 promotional campaigns were implemented, about 70% of which were produced directly by the teams participating in the marathon.

As part of these campaigns, more than 850 social promotional videos were created, which were aired for more than 57 thousand minutes. Thus, the total investment in social advertising over the two years of the telethon’s operation amounted to more than UAH 1.2 billion.

When the telethon started

February 26, 2022, six leading Ukrainian broadcasters united in the United News telethon to become for Ukrainians a constant and round-the-clock source of reliable information, support for social unity, and protection of national information security from Russian fakes and disinformation campaigns.< /p>

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