Home » “More weapons, not words”: how the world reacts to the massive rocket attack on Ukraine

“More weapons, not words”: how the world reacts to the massive rocket attack on Ukraine

by alex

Throughout the day, Russia has been launching large-scale missile attacks on almost the entire territory of Ukraine. Air raid alerts are distributed en masse for several hours. The Kremlin was hit by missiles on critical infrastructure, residential buildings, streets and parks of Ukrainian cities. How does the civilized world react to this?

But not only Ukrainians were suddenly caught by this shelling. Employees of foreign embassies were forced to hide in shelters along with ordinary Ukrainians. The world is shocked by the Russians' daring attack on infrastructure facilities and peaceful cities and promises consequences for the Kremlin.

“Terrorism in its purest form” and “a sign of cowardice”

< p>U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink noted that Russia is stepping up its barrage of attacks against civilian Ukrainians. At the same time, former United States Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul dubbed the Kremlin's actions as “shame” and a sign of cowardice.

For the Americans, it is obvious that Putin will continue to fight in the only available direction – against the civilian population, so the US Embassy called on its citizens to leave the territory of Ukraine.

The terrorist actions of the Kremlin directed against the civilian population of Ukraine are becoming more and more obvious. Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda bluntly called rocket fire from Russia terrorism. He stated that there is no limit to Russia's barbarism and called for more weapons to be handed over to Ukraine to defeat evil.

No restrictions on the supply of weapons

Ministry Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic believes that the West should completely remove all restrictions on the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Czech Foreign Minister Yaroslav Kurfürst openly called the Kremlin's methods terrorist and said it was time to increase support for Ukraine.

The elector also assured that the Czech Republic is among the countries promoting the idea of ​​creating a tribunal for Russian war criminals. At the same time, we are talking not only about those who commit crimes with their own hands, but also about those who give the appropriate orders.

The Czech Ministry of Defense is of the same opinion. Deputy head of the department Tomasz Kopechny said that these restrictions, which Western countries imposed on themselves, were unnecessary from the very beginning and only complicated the bureaucratic process to respond to Russian terrorist attacks.

Estonia is preparing to recognize Russia as a state-terrorist

A tough political reaction came from Estonia, neighboring Russia. President Alas Karis made a rather emotional statement about the morning rocket attacks.

Think about it when you put your kids to bed at night: Ukrainian kids are forced to sleep as rockets hit their hometowns. Their parents don't know if they will have a family and a home in the morning. Kyiv and several other cities were attacked by Russia in the early hours of the morning,” the President of Estonia tweeted.

However, the reaction of Estonia is not limited to the statement of the President. The parliament of this country is preparing an urgent decision to recognize Russia as a terrorist state. The response resolution will be submitted tomorrow. A vote in the Estonian Parliament will also take place in the near future, and this decision will most likely be adopted.

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EU reaction

The EU announced new military supplies to Ukraine against the backdrop of rocket attacks on Russians. This was announced by the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

At the same time, the head of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, insists on the inadmissibility of concessions to Vladimir Putin. Blackmailing the Kremlin should not become an effective lever for pressure on the West, and appeasement cannot work in the case of Russian aggression.

Metsola said today's shelling is “disgusting” and once again shows the true face of the Kremlin regime. The head of the European Parliament also added that such an escalation would not allow Putin to avoid defeat.

He does not selectively select targets and rain down terror and death on children. This is criminal. They will be held accountable,” said Roberta Metsola.

Germany will strengthen Ukrainian air defense

German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said that the Germans will hand over the first IRIS-T air defense system in the coming days. In total, Germany is ready to send 4 such systems to Ukraine. However, the rest are planned to be handed over next year.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock also condemned the morning shelling of Ukrainian cities. She called Putin's actions “disgusting and unjustified” and also promised to strengthen Ukraine's air defense.President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced a telephone conversation with the German Chancellor. In a telephone conversation with Olaf Scholz, Zelensky agreed to convene an urgent meeting of the G7.

There, the President of Ukraine will make statements about terrorist attacks by Russia. In particular, the Group of Seven will discuss increased pressure on Russia and the issue of upgrading Ukrainian infrastructure.

Zelensky also spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron. The topic of conversation was the strengthening of Ukrainian air defense and increasing pressure on Russia against the background of the Kremlin's terrorist attacks. unable to achieve any of the goals. It is not possible to intimidate Ukrainians, but on the contrary, it causes anger and even more kills any possibility of dialogue with Russia.

The destroyed infrastructure will be restored in the near future, and such attacks against civilians on the situation at the front will absolutely not influence.

At the same time, the reaction of the world community is again united, and again tough. Putin's blackmail and demonstrative barbaric attacks lead to nothing but further isolation of Russia from the rest of the world.

Such attacks on Ukrainian cities only prove that Ukraine should get more weapons in self-defense in order to save the civilian population, and for the offensive, in order to dislodge the invaders from the territory of Ukraine and end the war unleashed by the Kremlin.

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