Home ยป More than 200 people were preparing a fight: in Kharkiv, the police conduct searches at the members of the PKK “Redan”

More than 200 people were preparing a fight: in Kharkiv, the police conduct searches at the members of the PKK “Redan”

by alex

On February 27, in the center of Kharkiv, the police detained members of the Redan PPK, who were planning to start a mass brawl. It turned out that more than 200 people were preparing it.

245 people were invited to the police station, 215 of them were minors. This was told by the head of the police of the Kharkov region Vladimir Timoshko.

What is known about fight garlic

Planned brawl 149 guys, 66 girls. Only 30 people are adults, and three were previously convicted. Law enforcement officers seized knives, brass knuckles, gas cartridges. A total of 17 units.

72 protocols were drawn up in relation to the parents of minors. Tymoshko explained that work will continue to identify all the organizers of the fight.

Searches at the organizers

The head of the investigative department, Sergei Bolvinov, added that law enforcement officers found internal chats in Telegram, because of which teenagers gathered and coordinated. Everyone has been identified.

Searches at the participants of the movement / Police photo

This morning, 3 searches have already been carried out at the premises of possible organizers of mass riots – one of them is a minor.

Parents were clearly shocked by what their children are doing. I'm talking to parents of minors. Control your children. Who does not understand – the war, such measures are definitely not the time now, – Bolvinov emphasized.

Parents were shocked / Police photo

What preceded this

  • The PPK “Redan” movement has reached Ukraine. Previously, he gained momentum in Russia. Teenagers staged skirmishes in shopping centers.
  • Recently in Kharkiv, the police detained people who were planning to arrange a mass brawl. It was established that the so-called “flash mob” was invented in Russia.
  • Similar cases were in Kyiv, Lvov and Vinnitsa.

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