Home » More and more Ukrainians are satisfied with the support of Western countries

More and more Ukrainians are satisfied with the support of Western countries

by alex

Many Ukrainians are satisfied with the support of the West/Unsplash

More and more Ukrainians are satisfied with the help and support of Western countries . 60% of people believe that humanitarian and diplomatic assistance is quite sufficient.

Almost half of Ukrainians are also satisfied with financial assistance. The survey was conducted on April 26.

In the last 1.5 months, estimates of international aid from our Western partners have improved. In particular, the respondents noted a positive trend in the provision of diplomatic, humanitarian and financial assistance, according to the “Rating”.

Diplomatic and humanitarian assistance is considered sufficient by about 60% of respondents. Although in early March there were 50% of them. As for financial assistance, 46% of people consider it sufficient. In March, 39% of respondents agreed with this. The opinion of Ukrainians about the provision of weapons has not changed much. Only 29% of people believe that the West supplies it in sufficient quantities.

Negatively, people evaluate the economic sanctions against Russia. Only 20% of Ukrainians are satisfied with the restrictions.

More and more Ukrainians are satisfied with the support of Western countries

Poll of Ukrainians on April 26/”Rating” data

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