Home » Morawiecki's resignation: the Polish parliament did not give a vote of confidence to his government

Morawiecki's resignation: the Polish parliament did not give a vote of confidence to his government

by alex

Morawiecki's resignation/GettyImages and Collage 24 Channel

The Polish Parliament did not approve the candidate from the Law and Justice party for the post of Prime Minister. Now Tusk can become the head of the government.

The Polish Parliament did not grant a vote of confidence to the government of Mateusz Morawiecki. This means automatic resignation.

“Law and Justice” has lost power

Representatives of the corresponding party have headed the government for 8 years. Now they have lost their powers.

The majority of members of the Polish parliament voted for a vote of no confidence in the government led by Mateusz Morawiecki.

266 deputies voted against expressing confidence in the Morawiecki government, 190 voted for it.

It is expected that in the near future Donald Tusk will become the head of the Polish government. Previously, he accused Mateusz Morawiecki of blocking the border with Ukraine jeopardizing Ukrainian-Polish relations.

Who is Donald Tusk

This is a Polish politician, Head of the European Council, former Prime Minister of Poland, co-founder and head of the Civic Platform party, former deputy head of the Senate. On September 1, 2014, at a memorial event to mark the start of World War II, Tusk admitted that the war was ongoing in Ukraine and called on all of Europe to defend its ally. Condemns the illegal imprisonment of Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsov in Russia.

In addition, it is worth noting that the opposition has a majority in the Polish Sejm. The day before it became known that the opposition had already formed Tusk's government.

Confrontation between Tusk and Morawiecki

  • President of Poland Andrzej Duda summed up the results of consultations with representatives of election commissions. According to him, there were two serious candidates for the post of prime minister of the country. We are talking about Mateusz Morawiecki and Donald Tusk. He announced the corresponding candidates after communicating with representatives of election commissions, which lasted several days.
  • Journalists from Politico identified the most influential person of the year in Europe. It was the Polish politician Donald Tusk. In particular, journalists noted Tusk’s return to the political Olympus in Poland. According to the publication, he will be the one who will bring the “wind of change” to the entire European continent.
  • The likely prime minister said that the new government will solve the problems that are there is between Poland and Ukraine. He promised that his government would unblock the Polish-Ukrainian border. The politician wants to act in the interests of Polish carriers, but in such a way that the blockade is ended. In addition, Tusk criticized the government of his predecessor Mateusz Morawiecki. He believes that the current government of Poland has miscalculations in relations with Ukraine.

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