Home ยป Moldova is preparing for a “difficult autumn”: the authorities want to provide the population with firewood

Moldova is preparing for a “difficult autumn”: the authorities want to provide the population with firewood

by alex

Moldova is preparing for the autumn crisis/Collage of Channel 24

Because of Russia's cynical war against Ukraine, Moldova is in for a “difficult autumn,” the country's prime minister said. The government is preparing to support vulnerable segments of the population and provide compensation to all sectors.

At a meeting of the Moldovan government on June 22, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilitsa said that autumn will be difficult for Moldova due to wars in Ukraine. In this regard, the prime minister asked the ministers to finalize strategies for their industries.

In particular, we are talking about subsidies to farmers, programs for targeted compensation of energy costs for vulnerable segments of the population, and the supply of firewood.

During this period, it is very important to complete the processes started in different ministries and start discussing with the public the strategies we have been working on in recent months, Gavrilitsa said.

The prime minister noted that the country needs to support agriculture and industrial safety. Gavrilitsa noted that the government decided to fully offset the excise tax on diesel fuel for small and medium enterprises. In addition, the Moldovan government discussed the allocation of subsidies for each liter of milk and dairy products to producers of milk and dairy products.

Labor Minister Marcel Spatar, in turn, said that due to the energy crisis, the government will allocate money to vulnerable segments of the population to compensate for gas, electricity and heating.

We will also have a mechanism that will subsidize the replacement of household appliances for the most vulnerable. Spatar said.

Citizens need to be told what the government is working on, according to the Prime Minister.

We have many aid programs that we will approve in the coming weeks,โ€ Gavrylitsa summed up.

The world is on the verge of famine due to the war in Ukraine

< p> The UN representative emphasized that the world is threatened with hell on earth because of hunger, if the war is not put to an end. After all, the ports in Ukraine are still blocked by Russia.

This was stated by the director of the UN World Food Program David Beasley on June 17.

  • He noted that the worst phenomenon in the world was the coronavirus. After all, because of the disease, a food crisis has arisen and fuel prices have risen. But Russia's war against Ukraine proved that things could get worse.
  • The Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture claims that more than 20 million tons of normally exported grain is blocked by Russia in Black Sea ports.
  • David Beasley called on the richest people in the world to give more of their wealth to fight global hunger. He also called on Putin to open Odessa, otherwise the world will face “hell on earth”.

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