Home » Mobilization of 300 thousand and offensive in the North: Zelensky assessed threats from the Russian Federation

Mobilization of 300 thousand and offensive in the North: Zelensky assessed threats from the Russian Federation

by alex

Russia may not have time to mobilize 300 thousand troops due to an insufficient level of discipline.

The President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky spoke about this in interview with the military man, presenter and journalist of the Vikna-noviny program Orest Drimalovsky, as well as Lyudmila Dobrovolskaya, journalist of the TV channel Mi — Ukraine.

— Question about Russians, 300 thousand — it is not a fact that this is a finite number of military personnel that they will mobilize. And secondly, according to our intelligence, they must be ready to mobilize 300 thousand by June 1, — Zelensky said.

He noted that military training in Russia is very short.

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— Therefore, I think it will take them about a month to have such a volume. But, since they have problems with discipline, they may not have time to mobilize 300 thousand people before the first day, — added the president.

However, according to the head of state, Ukraine must still be prepared for different courses of events, in particular, for the mobilization of 300 thousand Russians.

— Holding it back is not enough. When you hold back, it's not just weapons, it's also people. You lose both weapons and people. And it is advisable to make certain military preconditions, to carry out appropriate strikes on the areas where the Russian military is concentrated in order to disrupt their counter-offensive actions, — Zelensky noted.

Previously, the head of state of Ukraine said that Russia is preparing to mobilize 300 thousand additional troops on June 1

Russian offensive in the North

Kharkov today is protected not from the point of view of air defense, but from the point of view of defensive lines of the Ukrainian army.

— The fact that this (Kharkov, — Ed.) is the desired goal, the Russians do not hide it. The entire East and not only, but also the South, and cities such as Kharkov, Kramatorsk — this is their desired goal. This is understandable, but today we are absolutely confidently defending the Kharkov region, — emphasized the head of state.

As for the Belarusian direction — the fact that Ukraine is building borders is not a secret, the head of state noted.

— Russians on the territory of Belarus should know that there are defensive lines here, and there will be an army here. They should know this. There are no secrets. Thanks to modern technology, they already have it all. But there is no need to hide this. They must know that there will be resistance — says Zelensky.

In addition, he emphasized that residents of the regions that border Belarus will receive protection in the event of an enemy invasion attempt.

— We do not yet see any plans, threats or capabilities from Belarus, — the president emphasized.

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