Home ยป Mobilization in Ukraine: which doctors conduct an examination during a medical examination

Mobilization in Ukraine: which doctors conduct an examination during a medical examination

by alex

After receiving the summons in Ukraine, you must appear at the military registration and enlistment office. After that, a person liable for military service can be sent to undergo a medical examination.

On the medical board, you need to go through several doctors. More about this – will tell 24 Channel.

Which doctors conduct examinations during the commission

During the medical examination, the person liable for military service examines:

  • surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • dentist.

Important! Men liable for military service may be referred for examination to other specialists only if necessary.

Mobilization in Ukraine: latest news

  • Those who have certain health problems, in particular mental ones, may receive a refusal to draft. Thus, the Law of Ukraine states that patients with pronounced persistent mental disorders become unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration.
  • Also, they cannot be drafted into the army due to the presence of certain diseases, in particular oncological diseases.
  • By the way, according to the Law, the departure of male conscripts, those liable for military service and reservists from their place of residence is prohibited. However, this issue is poorly regulated.
  • Recently, lawyer Nadezhda Grishchenko told what should be done by persons liable for military service abroad who received a summons in Ukraine. She noted that the summons is handed over personally to a person liable for military service.
  • Subpoenas cannot be passed through relatives, friends or acquaintances. That is, if you are abroad, then they cannot serve the summons.
  • Earlier, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that the mobilization plan in Ukraine had not yet been completed.
  • Reznikov also reported that every young person at the age of 18 should begin to take special training courses: medicine, shooting, trenches, coordination. In his opinion, military departments are definitely needed. Moreover, it is probably necessary to think about their specialization.

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