Home ยป Mobilization in Ukraine: what will happen if you do not come with a summons to the military registration and enlistment office

Mobilization in Ukraine: what will happen if you do not come with a summons to the military registration and enlistment office

by alex

General mobilization continues in Ukraine. Summons to those liable for military service can be served anywhere.

After serving the summons, you need to appear at the military registration and enlistment office. What will happen if you do not come to the TCC with this document, – said lawyer Rostislav Kravets. p>First, the subpoena is handed over to clarify the credentials of the military enlistment office, as well as to pass the military medical commission.

Then the person liable for military service can be sent to resupply military units or they will tell him to expect a mobilization order.

After receiving a summons, a man must appear at the military registration and enlistment office. If the person liable for military service did not come there, then there may be an appropriate punishment for this:

  • a fine from 1700 to 3400 hryvnias;
  • imprisonment for a period of 3 to 5 years or probation .

What are good reasons for not appearing at the draft board

  • Natural disaster;
  • Death a loved one;
  • Illness;
  • another important circumstance due to which the recruit did not arrive at the territorial recruitment center on time.

Mobilization in Ukraine: latest news

  • Verkhovna Rada extended martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine until February 19, 2023.
  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine said that they they plan to increase mobilization in the face of a new threat from Russia in the winter
  • So far, the troops need representatives of almost all specialties in the ranks to recruit the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other formations.

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