Home » Mobilization from January 1: what you need to know

Mobilization from January 1: what you need to know

by alex

General mobilization in Ukraine has been extended until at least February 7, 2025.

Therefore, everything you need to know about mobilization from January 1, ICTV Fakty discussed with the managing partner of the EvrikaLaw law firm, the head of the National Bar Association committee on investment activities and privatization Andrey Shabelnikov and lawyer Sergey Kostyra.

  • Questions on reducing the mobilization age and demobilization
  • Who can lose their deferment in January 2025
  • Who can be mobilized in January 2025
  • Are there any changes in the delivery of summonses in January 2025?
  • Voting for the creation of a Unified Register of Military Personnel
  • Continuation of reservations due to cyberattack on state registries
  • Permission to reserve priests
  • The appearance of military registration inspectors
  • Innovations in the Reserve+ application
  • Innovations in the Army+ application

Questions of lowering the mobilization age and demobilization

Since the media has become increasingly vocal about the possibility of lowering the mobilization age in Ukraine to 18 years, government officials have had to repeatedly refute them in December alone.

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President Volodymyr Zelensky insists: Ukraine should not compensate for the lack of equipment and training with the youth of soldiers.

The parliamentarians also assured that there are no legislative initiatives in the Verkhovna Rada to reduce the mobilization age from 25 to 18 years.

At the same time, the bill on demobilization, according to the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Ivan Gavrilyuk, is almost developed, but cannot be submitted to parliament until military reserves are prepared.

Managing partner of the EvrikaLaw law firm Andrey Shabelnikov confirms: the issue of demobilization is extremely relevant, since many military personnel have been in the zone of active combat operations since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

– Undoubtedly, the bill on demobilization should be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine already in 2025 in order to ensure more effective work of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, – Andrey believes Shabelnikov.

At the same time, the lawyer adds, the issue of military reserves directly depends on the quality of the state's mobilization policy.

Therefore, the expert continues, first of all, approaches to mobilization should be revised to ensure the conscription of truly motivated specialists who can effectively carry out combat missions.

– The problem is urgent, therefore, of course, in 2025 there will be certain changes in the issues of mobilization and demobilization, says Andrei Shabelnikov.

However, the expert says, there will be no reduction in the mobilization age to 18 years in 2025.

Andrey Shabelnikov notes that the provisions of the Law of Ukraine On mobilization training and mobilization regarding the expansion of the circle of military personnel under the age of 25 (who are effectively prohibited from mobilization) may come into force in order to grant them a deferment from conscription for military service during mobilization.

– This should resolve the urgent issue of mobilizing young men who had the status of limited fitness, – the expert explains.

Sergey Kostyra does not rule out that a reduction in the mobilization age is possible, since last year the reduction of the maximum age for citizens to remain on the military register of conscripts from 27 to 25 years was also preceded by discussions in the information space.

In the meantime, continues Sergei Kostyra, universities are introducing a mandatory military department.

– And a person who has completed military pre-conscription training is automatically subject to mobilization, – says the lawyer.

Who can lose their deferment in January 2025

Andrey Shabelnikovreminds: On October 22, 2024, Resolution No. 1204 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine came into force, according to which inspections of enterprises, institutions, and organizations for compliance with the established criteria of critical importance for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the life of the population during a special period are introduced.

– If, as a result of the inspection, the employer is deprived of the criticality status, employees will not have the right to a reservation and may lose their deferment, the expert says.

Also, the specialist says, it is necessary to mention the updated rules for admission to postgraduate studies, according to which contractual training is possible only in correspondence or evening form, which does not give the right to a deferment.

Therefore, applicants who study under a contract may also lose the right to a deferment, the expert concludes expert.

Who can be mobilized in January 2025

In January 2025, conscripts aged 25 to 60 years who are fit for military service and do not have the right to a deferment, according to Art. 23 of the Law of Ukraine On Mobilization and Mobilization Preparation.

Also, in certain cases, persons aged 18 to 25 may be mobilized if they have completed compulsory military service or graduated from a military department.

Are there any changes in the delivery of summonses in January 2025?

The changes, notes Andriy Shabelnikov, in particular, concern the procedure for delivering summonses by Ukrposhta.

Thus, on October 8, 2024, Resolution No. 1147 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was approved, according to which a summons from The postal representative must deliver the TCC personally to the addressee.

The summons is still sent by registered mail with a description of the enclosure and a delivery confirmation, but now there must also be the notes Summons TCC and Deliver in person.

If the addressee is not at the address specified in the military registration data in the TCC, the postal worker notifies the conscript by phone about the dispatch or may leave a notification of receipt of a registered letter in the mailbox with the note Summons TCC.

The addressee is required to appear at the post office within three days and receive the registered letter.

If the addressee does not appear, the postal worker makes a note Addressee is absent from the specified address. This is confirmed by a signature and an imprint. Return the registered letter to the TCC no later than the next working day.

Voting for the creation of a Unified Register of Military Personnel

On December 18, the Verkhovna Rada approved in the second reading and as a whole the bill No. 12066, which provides for the creation of a Unified Register of Military Personnel.

According to the document, a single database of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service will operate in Ukraine.

The Unified State Register of Conscripts, Personnel Liable for Military Service and Reservists, created back in 2017, will interact with the Electronic Healthcare System.

Thus, the Ministry of Defense will receive information on the results of medical examinations to determine fitness for military service duties.

The military will also be assigned a Military ID – a unique electronic identifier for automation in a single system in the sphere of national security and defense.

With its help, defenders and their family members will be able to receive benefits and social services.

Continuation of reservation due to cyberattack on state registries

Due to the consequences of a massive cyberattack on state registries, the reservation that was valid as of December 19 was automatically extended for a month (but not longer than until February 28, 2025).

That is, if the reservation of workers ended on December 20, 2024, it was extended until January 20, 2025.

Permission to reserve priests

On December 26, the Cabinet of Ministers issued a resolution No. 1498 amended the Procedure for the reservation of military personnel for the period of mobilization and wartime, allowing the reservation of priests.

Now, clergymen holding positions approved by the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolicy and Freedom of Conscience are subject to reservation.

Up to 50% of priests of each religious organization can be reserved.

By the way, the requirement for a salary of 20 thousand UAH and above does not apply to this category of persons.

The appearance of military registration inspectors

On December 25, it became known about the registration of a new professional standard in the National Qualifications Agency – military registration inspector.

The registered professional standard will become a guideline for persons maintaining military registration at enterprises Ukraine.

Innovations in the Reserve+ application

A service for re-clarification of data of conscripts has been launched in the Reserve+ application.

Now users will be able to change their data in the Obereg registry an unlimited number of times (but not more than once a week) – phone number, email or residential address.

Recall that, according to the law, Ukrainians have a week to notify the TCC about changes in data.

By the way, by the end of February 2025, the Ministry of Defense plans to develop a mechanism for obtaining an electronic referral for passing the military medical commission (VVK) in the Reserve+ application.

The department wants the decision of the military medical examination to be sent not in paper form to the TCC, but in electronic form to the information and communication systems of the Ministry of Defense, in particular the registry Amulet.

Innovations in the Army+ app

The Army+ app has launched a service that allows Ukrainian servicemen to report their intention to return to service after unauthorized absence from the unit (UAU).

Let us remind you that those who are not new to the SOC can submit a report to return to service until December 31, 2024.

For those who have left for the SOC for the first time, there are no such restrictions.

It will take about five minutes to fill out the report.

Use the prompts to provide the necessary information. You can also immediately add a letter of recommendation, which will then be needed in the event of a change in duty station.

After the Main Directorate of the Military Law Enforcement Service (VSP) receives and confirms the data in the report (review of the report lasts up to 72 hours), the serviceman will receive a notification about the need to arrive within 24 hours at the selected VSP department.

In the latter, after completing the documents and generating the order, they will help you safely get to one of the 17 military units from the approved list.

The commander of one of these units has 72 hours to restore the monetary payments and guarantees of the serviceman.

After reinstatement in service from the reserve unit, the military will be able to transfer to another unit with a letter of recommendation. To do this, you should again submit a report on changing your place of service in the Army+ application.

By the way, over 5 thousand reports have been approved between units in the month and a half that the transfer mechanism has been in effect.

This functionality works for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine.

In the future, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky noted, the mechanism will also work for the State Border Service.

Let's add that the Army+ application already has a new Pluses for the military program, which provides access to special offers on goods and services.

K for example, a special reserve of tickets for military personnel in Ukrzaliznytsia or discounts on fuel and 30% in the menu of gas stations from Ukrnafta.

The program can be used by servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard and the State Special Transport Service.

Soon, access will be open to all representatives of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

As soon as other national businesses join the program, the military will have even more privileges.

The sixth training course Information Resilience: Cybersecurity has appeared in the Army+ application.

Course consisting of two modules is designed to help military personnel recognize threats in the online environment and improve information security.

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