Mobile communications have been lost in several cities in Crimea: residents complain of widespread interruptions Polina Buyanova On Wednesday, February 5, mobile communications disappeared in several cities of the temporarily occupied Crimea. The outages were recorded in particular in Sudak, Kerch, Yevpatoriya, Feodosia and Bakhchisarai. This was reported by 24 Channel with reference to the monitoring Telegram channel “Krymskiy Veter”. Subscribers of “Krymskiy Veter” reported that there is no mobile communication and mobile Internet in Yevpatoriya and Kerch. It was noted that not a single operator works in Yevpatoriya, and when trying to make a call, a message appears with the text “not registered in the network.” At the same time, journalists note that the shutdowns did not affect local providers that provide cable communications. It later turned out that there is no mobile communication in Feodosia and Sudak either. There has been no mobile communication in Bakhchisarai for over an hour, the channel's subscribers added later. By the way, an earthquake recently occurred in temporarily occupied Crimea. It was recorded on January 19 in Yalta, and the magnitude was 2.8. The network also reported that after the earthquake in Yalta there were six more aftershocks.Massive communication outages occurred in Crimea
Mobile communications have disappeared in a number of Crimean cities: residents complain of widespread interruptions