Home » Millions of the living at the mercy of 100 thousand dead: Russia figured out how to cover the losses in the war

Millions of the living at the mercy of 100 thousand dead: Russia figured out how to cover the losses in the war

by alex

Kremlin leaders continue to pursue Nazi policies aimed at increasing the Slavic population of Russia. Read more in the exclusive blog for Channel 24.

How Russia did not leave Ukrainians a choice where to go

This happens because certification of Ukrainians who were forced to migrate or flee to Russian territory

According to the so-called humanitarian headquarters under the Russian Ministry of Defense, since the beginning of the military aggression against Ukraine, the Russian border has been crossed:

  • 4,568,032 people;
  • 943,001 cars;
  • 717,853 children.

Recently, analysts from the Eastern Human Rights Group and the Institute for Strategic Studies and Security presented an analytical report “Forced deportation of children to Russia.” In the information space of Ukraine, a lot is said about the facts of forced deportation of children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to Russia. However, almost no mention is made of those Ukrainians who, under duress, were forced to go to Russia in order not to fall into the epicenters of hostilities.

The migration of people living in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to Russia can be considered forced. After all, the occupation administrations and the armed forces of Russia made it possible to leave only along agreed routes to Russia. Humanitarian corridors on the territory of Ukraine were constantly shelled. In information and psychological terms, this scared civilians away from going through the corridors fired upon by the occupiers.

After forced migration to the territory of Russia, a person is given the opportunity to obtain the following statuses:

  • refugee status;
  • permit for temporary residence in Russia;
  • obtaining citizenship in Russia.

Certificate of registration at the place of residence

The Kremlin is not interested in refugees< /h2>

Due to the forced migration of residents of the temporarily occupied territories, millions of Ukrainians began to arrive in Russia. Kremlin functionaries have previously developed a system of documents that every Ukrainian who ends up in Russia must draw up.

In order to stay in Russia, you must have a temporary registration. If a person has no relatives in Russia or friends, then he is sent to a refugee camp that has been created in all border regions of Russia with Ukraine.

In a refugee camp, in order to stay on the territory of Ukraine, a person must:

  • pass fingerprinting, that is, pass fingerprints;
  • take a photo;
  • undergo a medical examination.

According to the Decree of the President of Russia dated August 27, 2022 No. 585, the stay of Ukrainian citizens in Russia is unlimited. But people who have no relatives in Russia or a place of work are permanently kept in a refugee camp. As a rule, Russia does not often issue refugee status due to the fact that it is interested in issuing a passport of a Russian citizen.

In the refugee camp, citizens of Ukraine are being interviewed by employees of the Russian Interior Ministry and the migration service. The above-mentioned employees carry out an assessment of a person's social ties. After that, they decide whether he can leave the refugee camp and go on. Migration officers can also direct a person to a specific region of Russia.

Documents required to obtain refugee status

You have to pay for temporary stay in Russia

After a person has left the refugee camp to live with relatives or friends in Russia, he must apply for a “temporary residence permit”. It necessarily includes the provision of the absence of infectious diseases, HIV, drug addiction.

But temporary registration in the regions of Russia is not free. For example, for a temporary stay in Moscow, a person must pay:

  • 90 days – 1300 rubles;
  • 6 months – 2600 rubles;
  • 9 months – 3900 rubles;
  • 1 year – 5200 rubles.

A residence permit in Russia is issued on a quota basis. In 2023, the Kremlin plans to cancel these quotas. As a matter of priority, a residence permit in Russia can be obtained by:

  • citizens of Ukraine;
  • persons who had former citizenship of the USSR;
  • disabled citizens of Ukraine, having children employed in Russia, who are its citizens;
  • citizens of Ukraine married to Russians permanently residing in Russia;
  • citizens of Ukraine who entered military service in Russia.

One of the conditions for a residence permit is also the provision of a medical certificate confirming the absence of infectious diseases, HIV and drug addiction.

Permit for temporary residence in Russia

How Russia wants to force Ukrainians to issue their passport

According to the Decree of the President of Russia No. 951 dated December 26, 2022, certain procedures for obtaining a passport of a Russian citizen by Ukrainians living in the territories of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions temporarily occupied by Russia were approved.

The logic behind this decree is simple. That is, after the official recognition of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the Kremlin decided to simplify the procedure for obtaining a passport of a Russian citizen for residents of these territories. The term for its issuance was reduced to 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application to the migration service of Russia. In fact, Russia imperatively determined the status of residents of the occupied territories, deciding for them that they are citizens of Russia.

A prerequisite for obtaining a passport of a Russian citizen in accordance with Decree No. 951 is writing a statement of unwillingness to be a citizen of Ukraine. The same decree determined the procedure for obtaining a passport of a Russian citizen by persons over the age of 14.

According to the information received, the Kremlin plans to carry out a total passportization among the forced migrant Ukrainians. For this, medical filtering and fingerprinting were previously carried out.

Refugee status, temporary residence permit, residence permit – these are the statuses without which it is impossible to stay on the territory of Russia. And you have to pay for staying in the regions. The Russian authorities will use these obstacles to force Ukrainians to apply for a Russian citizen's passport.

It should be noted that the Kremlin took into account the criticism of the world community about the forced passportization of Russia. Therefore, now, when issuing a Russian passport, a Ukrainian will be required to declare a de facto renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship. At the same time, the fact of coercion is also present, but Russia will interpret the received application from a person as an individual and voluntary refusal.

Please note that this decree was signed only on December 26, 2022, that is, almost after 10 months of military aggression . The Kremlin was waiting for the number of refugees from Ukraine to grow, so that in a short period of time, due to coercive tools and the creation of bureaucratic problems, to increase the number of Ukrainians who received a passport of a Russian citizen.

Thus, the Kremlin plans to justify its losses in military aggression against Ukraine. So far, it is known that Russia has lost 103,000 soldiers. Because of the described passportization tool, they will formally increase the number of issued Russian passports by several million in a short period, and thus they will say: “We lost 100 thousand, and received millions of new citizens of Slavic appearance.”

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