Home » Metal cages in Mariupol: Gudkov explained how the Kremlin will use the prisoners

Metal cages in Mariupol: Gudkov explained how the Kremlin will use the prisoners

by alex

Gudkov about the purpose of the trial in Mariupol/Channel 24 Collage

< strong _ngcontent-sc85="">The invaders are going to stage a pseudo-trial against the Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol. Russia will manipulate the lives of Ukrainian prisoners of war in order to blackmail Ukraine.


This Channel 24 was told by Russian opposition politician Gennady Gudkov. Russian invaders installed metal cages in the Philharmonic of Mariupol.

According to the mayor's office, the infidels are going to arrange a trial of the defenders of Azovstal.

Back to news a picture for the “domestic market”. They want to use it to satisfy the base instincts of this mass with an inverted consciousness,” the politician noted.

He compared the court in Mariupol with bloody fights between gladiators taking place in the Ancient Rome to comfort the crowd.

The crowd, which had lost its mind from the blood, demanded: “Finish him, finish him!”. It is for such a mass that seeks other people's blood that they (the invaders – Channel 24) want to arrange this circus, – Gudkov emphasized.

The Russian oppositionist suggested that the invaders could go too far and even endure death sentence for Ukrainian prisoners of war .

Trial in Mariupol as a bargaining tool

Gudkov believes that Russia is also arranging a trial in Mariupol to put pressure on the Ukrainian authorities.

This will be used as a bargaining tool. Like, give us something, and we will give you 2,000 lives of your heroes,” the politician said.

According to him, the Kremlin wants to first force Ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table.

“Then the Russians will say: 'Give us Kherson.' After all, they understand that they can't hold on there. To be continued: 'Give us Zaporozhye,' 'a land corridor to the Crimea', etc.,” Gudkov suggested.

What Putin wants

According to him, Putin wants to draw attention to himself by such absurd methods.

“Putin wants for the world to talk to him. He is an exile and a despised war criminal. But he wants the heads of great states to talk to him and satisfy his pride,” the Russian oppositionist said.

Stream by Andriana Kucher and Gennady Gudkova: watch the full video

Preparation for the “tribunal” in Mariupol: what is known

  • On the stage of the Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic, Russian kafirs assembled prison cells. According to the mayor of Mariupol Vadim Boychenko, the diameter of the reinforcement is 20 millimeters.
  • The so-called “chairman” of the quasi-republic in Donbas Denis Pushilin confirmed the information about the preparations for the demonstration trial.
  • According to the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petr Andryushchenko, the infidels have not finally decided on the date of the so-called “tribunal”. Previously, the Russians propose to arrange lynching of the Azovites in late August or early September.
  • The Association of Families of Azovstal Defenders appealed to President Vladimir Zelensky and all international organizations, in particular, the guarantors of the safety of fighters – the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN . Relatives of the military ask them to intervene in this theater of the absurd, to condemn and prevent the fake tribunals that threaten the fighters of the Prokopenko regiment.

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