Home » Mercantile goals – Denisenko explained why Russia does not unblock Odessa ports

Mercantile goals – Denisenko explained why Russia does not unblock Odessa ports

by alex

Why Russia continues to block Odessa ports/Channel 24 collage

< strong _ngcontent-sc86="">As of today, there are no significant changes in improving the logistics of our exports. Although diplomats are actively working on this issue. So far, the Russians are very tough on not unblocking the ports of Odessa.

Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs Vadim Denisenko told Channel 24 about this. He added that not only external danger, but also internal problems stand in the way of Ukrainian grain exports.

They are probably also pursuing mercantile goals, because thanks to these actions the price of their grain is growing and in a few months they will be able to blackmail the world also on the issue of food. – suggests Vadim Denisenko.

“We understand that we have three Danube ports left, through which the main flow of exports now moves. that certain people “cash in” on this and these are not the funds that go to the state treasury,” says adviser Denis Monastyrsky.

Internal transportation problem

But the most striking story is that the state company “Ukrtransbezopasnost” launched an active operation in the Odessa region. They decided to “save the roads” and control the weight of the transported cargo at this particular time,” says Denisenko.

Ukrtransbezopasnost – what kind of body is this? authorities of Ukraine, formed on September 10, 2014 by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, by merging the State Inspectorate for Safety in Sea and River Transport, the State Inspectorate for Safety in Land Transport.

The issue of exporting our food resource is very important, because in a few months the process of grain spoilage will begin , and our elevators do not have the possibility of such long-term storage, warns the adviser to the Minister of the Interior. And he also adds that if this grain is not taken out now, it will simply rot.

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