Home » MEPs prepared an appeal to the US Congress to provide assistance to Ukraine

MEPs prepared an appeal to the US Congress to provide assistance to Ukraine

by alex

European lawmakers plan to send a joint appeal to the United States to urge Congress to unblock further military aid to Ukraine.

According to foreign media reports, this is stated in an open letter that was obtained by journalists. The appeal was signed by legislators from at least 17 countries. Among them — France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Ireland.

In a letter, European legislators, including the head of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael Roth, said that after the Russian invasion, the European Union allocated the same amount of funds to Ukraine as the United States.

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It notes that military spending has increased throughout Europe, but American military assistance is urgent. Lawmakers say a victory for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin could embolden other enemies to commit similar aggression.

— They watch and hope we get tired. Ukrainians are fighting so that we don’t have to do this, — the message says.

European Union leaders will gather for a summit in Brussels on December 14 and 15 to discuss providing Ukraine with €50 billion in economic support, allocating another €20 billion to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and begin negotiations on EU membership.

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