Home » Men aged 50 to 60 may be mobilized — TCC

Men aged 50 to 60 may be mobilized — TCC

by alex

Within the framework General mobilization in Ukraine may also mobilize men from 50 to 60 years old.

This was reported by the Volyn Regional TCC and SP on Facebook.

Mobilization after 50 years — are there any restrictions

They reminded that according to the Law on Military duties and military service, persons liable for military service are males between the ages of 18 and 60 who may be called up for military service during mobilization.

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— Regarding the “sensation” around the news that men aged 50 to 60 will not be mobilized, we note that there is no ban on conscription of citizens of this age category.

Thus, citizens over 50 years of age, who do not have an exemption from military service due to health reasons or other legal grounds, are subject to mobilization under general conditions., — emphasized in the TCC.

It is noted that during mobilization, the main attention is paid to determining suitability for service based on health, military specialty and experience.

That is, if a man over 50 years old meets the above criteria, he can be called up to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to perform tasks related to the defense of the state.

— Consequently, the mobilization of citizens aged 50-60 is lawful and fully compliant with the norms of current legislation, — summarized the representatives of the TCC.

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