Home » Medvedev called the Taliban partners: Russia wants full-scale relations with terrorists

Medvedev called the Taliban partners: Russia wants full-scale relations with terrorists

by alex

Medvedev plans to be “friend” with the Taliban/Collage 24 Channel (illustrative photo)

One of the Kremlin functionaries Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia is now quite close to that to enter into a partnership agreement with the terrorist organization Taliban.

Russia continues to prove, not with words, but with concrete deeds, that it is a terrorist country. This time, propaganda Russian media reported that Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev announced Russia’s readiness to establish full-scale relations with the Taliban terrorist group, banned even in Russia itself, channel 24.

Terrorists are always drawn to terrorists

Medvedev decided to “cut from the shoulder” and approached the issue of relations with the Taliban quite thoroughly. He said that at the beginning of the 21st century, Russia considered the Taliban to be terrorists and the Americans to be partners. After 20 years, everything was the other way around. The Taliban are back in power, and Russia is close to establishing full-fledged relations with them.

The ex-president of Russia says that the “authorities” of Afghanistan (Taliban terrorists) are trying to conduct a constructive dialogue with them. Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice proposed to exclude the Taliban from the list of prohibited organizations. Russia also sent an invitation to the Taliban to take part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

In addition, Dmitry traditionally decided to exploit the theme of “grandfathers”, promising to rid the world of fascism, which exists only in his head.

“Taliban” – a classic of terrorism

  • This radical Islamist movement originated among the Pashtuns of Afghanistan in 1994. Translated from Arabic, “Taliban” means “students”, because the organization was founded by 30 students of a Muslim theological school.
  • In 1996, Taliban militants captured Kabul, overthrowing the regime of President Burhanuddin Rabbani, and by 1998 they already controlled 90% of the territory of Afghanistan and actually led the country.
  • After the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, the international coalition launched an offensive in the same year Afghanistan on the leadership of al-Qaeda. By December 2001, the Taliban regime was overthrown. However, the then leader of the group, Mullah Mohammad Omar, and Osama bin Laden were able to avoid capture. assistance to the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. On September 1, 2010, the United States recognized the Pakistani Taliban as an international terrorist organization.
  • After the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in 2021, from July to August 16, 2021, the Taliban captured the entire territory of the country, after which their leader declared that “the war is over.”

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