Home » Medvedchuk and Kozak wrote down hundreds of millions of assets on a woman – she wants to get rid of them

Medvedchuk and Kozak wrote down hundreds of millions of assets on a woman – she wants to get rid of them

by alex

Journalists have found a woman who was credited by Viktor Medvedchuk's entourage with particles in several Kyiv companies with assets worth hundreds of millions of hryvnias. The woman herself confirmed that she was a figurehead.

The journalists found out to whom Medvedchuk and Kozak wrote down hundreds of millions of assets. This figurehead turned out to be 62-year-old Olga Kuts from Lvov, and she said that she would “willingly lose” the traitors' assets.

What Medvedchuk and Kozak copied to 62 women

Olga Kuts is considered the beneficiary of a number of firms that own expensive land and real estate in Kyiv. In particular:

  • She is the ultimate beneficiary of the Iststroy company, which owns almost a hectare of land on Druzhby Narodiv Boulevard with the intended purpose “for the construction of a hotel and office building.” The estimated cost of this site is 160 million hryvnia.
  • This is how she is the beneficiary of the Town Land Company, the customer for the construction of the Poetika residential complex in Kyiv. So far, a number of objects of unfinished construction have been registered with the company at the address where the residential complex is being built.
  • In addition, she is a co-owner of the Promtek company, which owns over a hectare of land in Kyiv's Borshchagovka. This site was withdrawn for the construction of a cultural and entertainment complex.

How journalists realized that she was Medvedchuk's figurehead

Kuts is listed as the owner of the largest stakes in companies associated with the construction business of People's Deputy Vadim Stolar, elected from the Opposition Platform for Life. According to investigators, in 2020, part of it was acquired by Viktor Medvedchuk and his close associate Taras Kozak. However, among the official partners of Stolar, Medvedchuk and Kozak did not appear anywhere, but it was then that Olga Kuts became the co-owner of the mentioned companies. Therefore, the journalists guessed that she could be their figurehead.

“I would gladly get rid of these assets”: Bihus.Info talked to Olga Kuts

Journalists managed to talk with Olga Kuts. It turned out that she used to work in a number of Lviv firms associated with the family of Taras Kozak. At the same time, she herself admitted that she was not the real owner of the Kyiv companies, but simply signed a power of attorney when she worked at the enterprise of her brother Kozak.

She added that she did not receive and does not receive any funds from the activities of these firms and would gladly get rid of these assets “right today.” However, according to her, she has not yet been approached by law enforcement officers.

Therefore, journalists have already prepared a number of statements and appeals to law enforcement agencies about the need for a more detailed investigation and subsequent arrest of assets that may be associated with Medvedchuk and Kazak.

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