Home » May 9 – 11 – the same threats: the Ministry of Internal Affairs called three warnings for Ukrainians these days

May 9 – 11 – the same threats: the Ministry of Internal Affairs called three warnings for Ukrainians these days

by alex

Warnings for Ukrainians on May 9/АР

Against the background of a psychologically important date for the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin – May 9 – it was said about possible provocations from Russia these days. However, so far everything is relatively calm.

Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine decided to warn the Ukrainians and gave some advice on how to behave Ukrainians in the near future. Adviser to the Minister Vadym Denisenko told Channel 24 about this.

Warnings for Ukrainians

How he assured that all the security forces are working in a super-enhanced mode. Therefore, it is advised to follow a few simple tips, since the enemy is unpredictable.

From my point of view, May 9-10-11 carry the same threat, plus or minus, he believes.

As Denisenko explained, shelling of cities is possible. So, air raid alerts should not be neglected, especially now.

In addition, he advises to avoid large crowds of people. It's highly undesirable now, because that's when incidents happen.

And third, but not least, abstain from alcohol, in particular. As he noted, alcohol abuse, especially among drivers, is now not such a mass phenomenon. All because of restrictions on sale in the cities of Ukraine. However, one or two cases can lead to mass deaths.

“In principle, these are three key things that citizens of Ukraine need to remember these days,” the adviser to the minister emphasized.

What provocations can Russia arrange on May 9

  • In order to realize the “picture” of the celebration, infidels resort to various dishonest methods. In particular, in the temporarily occupied Energodar, documents are taken away from the local Russian military. They promise to extradite them on May 9 in order to create an artificial mass gathering of people.
  • Advisor to the head of the Presidential Office Mikhail Podolyak assured that Russia desperately wants to do evil to Ukraine on May 8-9, so provocations should be expected.
  • < li>It is precisely because of the threats from the side that the mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, urged residents of the capital not to return to Kyiv until May 9.

  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs expects that Russian saboteurs will become more active on Ukrainian territory on May 9. The police are ready to counter the DRG and criminal elements.

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