Home » Maxar published a photo of how Russian ships carry stolen Ukrainian grain to Syria

Maxar published a photo of how Russian ships carry stolen Ukrainian grain to Syria

by alex

Russians taking Ukrainian grain to Syria/Channel 24 Collage

The American company Maxar showed a photo in which ships under the Russian flag transported grain stolen in Ukraine and delivered it to Syria.

Russia took the stolen grain to Syria

Maxar images show two Russian-flagged bulk carriers (bulk carriers) docked in Russian-occupied Sevastopol in May, loaded with grain.

A few days later, Maxar satellites took pictures of the same ships already moored in Syria with open hatches and semi-trailers ready to take out grain.

Maxar published a photo of Russian ships carrying stolen Ukrainian grain to Syria

Maxar published photo evidence of the theft of Ukrainian grain/Photo by Maxar

Another image taken in June also shows another vessel loading grain in Sevastopol.

Maxar published a photo of Russian ships carrying stolen Ukrainian grain to Syria

In June, the Russians took grain out of Sevastopol.

How Russians steal Ukrainian grain: the main thing in brief

  • Ukrainian grain from the Melitopol elevator left in the direction of the Crimea. At the same time, photos of columns of trucks with stolen grain were published near Kerch and Dzhankoy.

Important!According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, during the full-scale war, Russians removed 500,000 tons of wheat from the occupied territories of Ukraine.

The aggressor state sold almost 100,000 tons to Syria. International wheat prices exceed $400 per ton – that is, with this delivery Russia stole more than $40 million from Ukraine.

  • One of the countries to which Russia tried to sell stolen goods in Ukraine grain, was Egypt. But in Egypt they refused to buy the loot and the ship changed direction to Lebanon and Syria. It is these regimes that help Putin to commit crimes against humanity.
  • Turkey constantly claims attempts at a diplomatic solution to unblock Ukrainian ports. However, Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasily Bodnar said that Istanbul is buying stolen Ukrainian grain from Moscow.
  • Ukraine has already turned to the Turkish authorities and Interpol to start an investigation and find out who is involved in the supply of grain in transit through Turkish waters .

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